Red Cross November 5, 2012
Holiday Mail For Heroes/Youth Council Meeting At the Seattle Red Cross Chapter! Making cards for military families Decorating sugar cookies that will be given to the VA Hospital Planning the Disaster Kit Supply Drive for December! Watch a movie (maybe Elf?) and having popcorn, hot cocoa and other yummy snacks! 1900 25th Avenue South Seattle, WA 98144 Carpooling? Saturday, November 10th from 11am-2pm
Fundraising for Hurricane Sandy Any ideas???
Fundraising Ideas (cont) Bake Sale? Friendship Bracelets? T-shirt sales? (This would take longer).. Battle of the Advisories! (Prize: Pizza Party!) More ideas (We wanna hear your amazing ideas!)
Northwest Harvest 22220 W. Valley Hwy. Kent, WA 98032 Fridays from 1-3 p.m. We need to pick one date: preferrably in December? November 16 November 30 December 7 December 14 Carpooling?
Frequency of Meetings Changing to the 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month! Next Meeting: November 19th!
After the meeting Wanna stick around to make “Hurricane Sandy” fundraiser posters?