Parent Session Welcome Youth Mental Health Parent Session Welcome
What is Mental Health? Mental health is part of your overall health, it’s about: How you think, behave and feel How you cope with life's ups and downs How you feel about yourself and your life How you see yourself and your future How stress affects you How you feel about negative things happening in your life
Size and Scale of the Issue One in ten young people in Scotland experience mental health issues Conditions include depression/low mood, anxiety, eating disorders. Young people can be scared to talk about their feelings for fear that they will be called names or isolated or that they will upset their parents or family members Unreported or untreated mental health issues can lead to poor school attendance, under achievement and problematic family, peer relationships and risky behaviours.
Bellshill Academy Trends In Bellshill Academy we have noticed more young people report feeling low/ anxious just before a holiday period: Summer Christmas Easter Interventions in assemblies, PSE, signposting to summer/ Easter activities, mentoring etc
Young People and Triggers Loss/separation ASD LGBT Feeling Low Don’t know Domestic Violence Relationships
How schools identify Young People Ethos/environment / relationships Pupil Support team Information to young people Assemblies / Curriculum Group work Individual pupil support Home visits Peer Support Self referral
Referral agencies for Schools GP CALMHS- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Social Work – Early Intervention Team School Nurse LIAM Low intensity Anxiety Management Individual pupil support Young Carers Includem YMCA HART Meeting – Multiagency Meeting GIRFME Planning
How can Parents help? Thoughts What are we thinking? Feelings How are we feeling Behaviour What are we doing
Which thought would make the dog feel most worried? Everyone will laugh if they see me looking like this I look really cool in these sun glasses Which thought would make the dog feel most worried?
Mr. Evans the head teacher walked into Amy and Luke’s class and asked to see them before they went home at the end of the day. GOOD, I bet he wants to ask if I can help him with something Oh NO. He wants to tell me off for throwing my litter in the playground Amy and Luke had very different thoughts. How would Amy’s thoughts make her feel? How would Luke’s thoughts made him feel?
The avoidance trap anxiety Anxiety Time
The avoidance trap anxiety Anxiety Avoiding or stopping maintains the threat Anxiety Time
Understand the avoidance trap Key messages You will be anxious when you do things Anxiety will reduce over time Don’t let anxiety stop you from doing things Anxiety can be a normal part of building new skills and confidence.
Youth Mental Health Parental Sessions Monday 12th Nov – Youth Mental Health / Signposting 19th Nov – Self-Harm Talk 26th Nov – Suicide Talk