Personal Learning
Personal Learning What is your understanding of the term ‘personal learning’ in relation to your Foundation Degree? Research by Bingham and O’Hara (2007) identified that despite initial anxieties upon arrival in higher education after a short period of time, mature students were confident and determined to succeed. Do you agree with this?
Personal Learning Askham (2008) in his study of mature, work- based students entering into higher education identified two dimensions of identity; firstly ‘negative identity’ is apparent in terms of anxiety and personal limitations when beginning higher education. This is evident in terms of insecurity about returning to study, the lack of ability, not having the skills, understanding and resources to succeed, or simply getting things wrong.
Personal Learning However Askham (2008) also found a positive side to identity dimension, in that the students in his study had high levels of intrinsic motivation and determination, as well as recognising that ‘managing against the odds, despite all the distractions’ was an achievement in itself
Change of Personal Identity? Baxter and Britten (2001) in their research of the risks of higher education and its effects on identity and relationships with families and friends identified a key risk for part time students’ stemmed from the idea that studying in higher education and being ‘educated’ is to stake a claim to a new identity. This can be threatening to an individual’s sense of self or to others, of being or feeling superior.
What do you think is personal learning…? Concept of lifelong learning? Self-esteem? Confidence? Decision making? Leadership? Conscious self awareness?
Activity…. In small groups; think about your personal learning Each group to give examples and relate to their learning on the FD Present your findings to the rest of the group