BTEC LEVEL 3 HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE: Unit 2 Revision Learning Mats! Roles + Responsibilities of people who work in HSC sector Name________________________ Date ______ Teacher____________ TA Grade_______ WAG Grade______
Exam Preparation: Key Exam Details! Key command words be: Identify Discuss Describe Explain What is in Exam 4 Sections (A,B,C + D) Each section will have Scenario. Time 1 hour 30 minutes 5 minutes at start to read paper. Section A – 20 minutes Section B – 20 minutes Section C – 20 minutes Section D – 20 minutes 5 minutes at end to check work. General Information: 1 hour 30 minutes Out of 80 marks Write in Black pen Each section is out 20 mark. 4 sections 20 marks each Each section will have scenario. SPAG will be marked. Scenario will be about: Learning Disability Physical + Sensory Disabilities Age related needs Ill Heath What you need to do: Write in blank ink. Have breakfast beforehand. REVISE (Securing the knowledge!) Be organised Be prepared for exam. Have an early night beforehand. Marks Paper is out of 80 marks. Each section is out of 20 marks. Highest mark is out of section D (8 marks). SPAG will be marked.
Professional Roles A Occupational Therapists Provide support + equipment for people who are having difficulties carrying out practical activities in everyday life. Youth Workers Support young people to reach their full potential + become responsible for members of society. Responsibilities; Running programmes e.g. smoking. Running sports teams. Midwives Supporting women through and after pregnancy. Responsibilities; Teach mothers how to feed + bathe their babies. Identify high risk pregnancies. Social Workers Provide support for people through difficult times in their lives. Children + Young people’s Service Ensuring they are safe + protected from abuse. Adult Services Support them living independent or in residential care. Doctors Provide specialist medical care. Consultants (senior) Specialise in a particular field in medicine. G.P. (general practitioner) Provides care for people in the community. Responsibilities; Discuss + agree treatment plan for individuals. Diagnose illnesses. Monitor impact of treatment. Healthcare Assistants Provide support for people that have difficulties with everyday tasks. Responsibilities; Taking + recording patients’ temperature, pulse + weight. Washing + dressing patients. Serving meals + assisting with feeding if needed. Care Assistants Provide support for people that have difficulties with everyday tasks. Responsibilities; Helping with general household tasks. Helping with personal care. Communicating with other HSC professionals. Support Workers Provide support with financial management + domestic skills. Responsibilities; Helping with general household tasks. Filling in + sending off checks + letters. Care Managers Key leadership in residential settings. Managed residential care for; Adult with learning disabilities People in supported housing. Health Visitor Working with children. Making sure they got the best start in life. Assess; Parenting skills Home + family situation. Development needs for the child.
Fill in the table below, to form a fact file. Professional Roles A Adult Nurse Provided care for adults. Responsibilities; Writing care plans + records. Dealing with emergencies. District Nurse Visit patients at home providing support + advises. Responsibilities; Assess needs of patients. Monitor the quality of care they receive. Neonatal Nurse Care for new born babies that are premature or sick. Responsibilities; Managing a babies fluids. Preparing + checking medications. Recording observations + document babies care. School Nurse Prevents illness + promotes a healthy lifestyle. Responsibilities; Carrying out health assessments. Advising schools on their public health agendas. Student Task: Research some of the roles from the two slides. Create a fact file file for each role you research. Fill in the table below, to form a fact file. Children’s Nurse Providing support + care for child + family. Responsibilities; Treating wounds. Before + after care operation. Playing with the children. Nurse Practitioner Looking after patients. Responsibilities; prescribe medications treat illness administer physical exams Role Responsibilities Mental Health Nurse Supporting them in their recovery. Responsibilities; planning + providing medical care to people who are suffering from mental illness. Learning Disability Nurse Improves well-being + social inclusion for people with Learning disabilities. Responsibilities; maintaining a person’s physical + mental health. supporting a person in living a fulfilling life.
Providing Personal Care Following Policies + Procedures + Preventing Discrimination B Policies Health + safety Equality + diversity Medication Safeguarding Disclosing + Barring service Death of resident Complaints Provide to meet service users needs. Aim to ensure that all staff + workers work within the law + to the highest professional standers. Information: Applying care values + principles. Promoting anti discrimination practice~ care service meets the needs of all people. Ensure safety to all. Maintaining confidentiality + privacy. Having value system that underpins the care practice. Good communication between provider + service users. Empowering individuals~ take control of their live + decisions related to their care. Providing Personal Care Religions Muslims + Hindus – prefer to use bidet than paper + shower (running water). Strongly prefer to be treated + supported by same sex. Sikhs + Rastafarians – don’t normally cut their hair. Vegetarians – don’t eat fish, meat or based products. Vegans – don’t eat meat, or animal related products. Muslims + Jewish don’t eat pork. Hindus + Sikhs – don’t eat beef. Wide range of equipment to extend the independence; Walk in baths Hand rails Non slip bathmats Adapted taps Core value for health + care professionals. Legal requirement~ Equality Act 2010.
Healing + supporting people who are ill B Prescribing medication doctor nurse prescriber Dentist chiropodists + physiotherapists can prescribe some medication in certain circumstances. Accessing support from specialist agencies specialist agencies support + promote health + wellbeing of service users. Support for lifestyle changes Healthcare professionals such as G.P. , practice ensures + district nurses can assist individuals to set up self help groups. Surgery district nurses monitor progress + provide specific treatment. Physiotherapist + occupational therapists support mobility + promote independence in daily living. Organ transplant Support off specialist nurses, Physiotherapist, occupational therapists, counsellor, social worker may provide post-operative support. Radiotherapy Support from G.P. on completion of treatment ensure full healing. Enabling rehabilitation Providing equipment + adaptations to support people in being more independent The specific programme will vary according to the person’s physical + psychological needs + their home + family circumstance, including the level of support from their family, friends + carers. Other support from; Physiotherapists Occupational therapists Counsellors psychotherapists IT that support educational achievements: Computers for visually impaired + blind people. Wheelchair access to all learning spaces. Additional time in exams for dyslexic people. Mobility aid: Walking sticks Walking frames Wheelchairs Adapted shopping trolleys Stair lifts Adapted cars Appliance that support daily living activities: Special cutlery – thick, light handles easy to hold for people with arthritis. Feeding cups. Egg cups + plates with suctioned bottoms. Walk in baths + showers.
Supporting routines of services users in day to day lives B Supporting service users needs. They can be; Physical needs Emotional needs Social needs Spiritual needs Educational needs Informal Care Care + support provided by relatives + friends, normally unpaid + in addition to the care provided by professional health + care providers. Professional need to be aware of their clients information. Such as; Community in which client lives. Their work. Family circumstances Financial position Their interests Their hobbies. Their aspirations. Assessment of Care + Support Planning Whole person Health care professional support clients in developing + maintaining a fulfilling + satisfying daily life. Care planning cycle – approaches: Assessing individual healthcare needs of their service users Agreeing a care plan that promotes the service user’s health + wellbeing. Evaluating the effectiveness of the care implemented. Planning Care Professionals assess needs + agree the right care with the service user. Asking family members + informal carers when appropriate. Informal carer contribute to review + evaluations of care provision + discuss about alternative strategies.
Ensuring Safety in HSC Information Management + Communication C how people who work in health and social care ensure safety for individuals and staff through: Fostering rights + responsibilities Supporting a patients right to choose their own lifestyle + helping them to accept their responsibilities. Example; some religions don’t allow blood injections therefore they will refuse to take them, the professionals will respect their choice. Smokers outside the hospital, move them from the hospital to a place where they can smoke as they have a right to spoke. Care value base is a range of standers for health and social care. 3 areas that is fostering equality & diversity, peoples rights & responsibilities + maintaining confidentiality of information. Use of protective equipment + infection control; Wash hands before + after any contact. Wear apron + gloves~ in contact with bodily fluids. Safe handling + disposal of sharp articles. Confidentiality of information Any information patients give you is private and confidential. Example; professionals aren’t allowed to share information with anyone without your permission. Employers must take care of own safety and other Health care workers. Work together to provide the best care for patient. Not intentionally damage equipment e.g. lifts. Fostering equality + diversity Recognising + supporting people’s individual needs. Involves with giving everyone the same quality of care + support ~ not treating everyone in the same way whilst respecting peoples experiences, lifestyles + backgrounds. Example; bringing in a translator if an individual who can’t/ who speck little English so they can understand. Data Protection act 1998 Rules of holding + processing personal information. Electronic + paper records.
Empowering Individuals Dealing with conflict in HSC Settings Challenging behaviours are seemed as a risk in HSC Setting as it can hurt anyone. Promote + support their rights to dignity + independence. This will boost self-esteem. Provide support with their beliefs + cultures. HSC is a multi-cultural society. Specific needs must be meet; Languages Traditions Beliefs Diets Challenges faced; Patients speak little/no English. Provide wide range of foods. Religious observances. When dealing with conflict care practitioners need to (skills); Listen carefully. Stay calm. Try to see both sides of arguments/issues. Never resort to aggressive behaviour. Promote individualised care- care that meets the specific needs of each patient. Adapting HSC provision for different types of service users It situation seem to lead to violence then; Make sure you now where doors/exits are. Remove anything that can be used as a weapon. Call for help. Task: Research some case studies of discrimination in the workplace. Make a record of the 5 W’s; who, what, where, why, when and how There still discrimination + prejudices. Anti-discrimination involves promoting equal opportunities + challenging discrimination at work. Promoting Anti-discriminatory practice Anti-discriminatory practice aims to ensure patients care needs regardless of; Race Ethnicity Age Disability Sex orientation Prejudices of staff or other service users are appropriately challenged. Health + care worker required to do; Address their own prejudices. Understand + meet patients needs. Actively challenge discrimination against patients. Ensuring setting is welcoming + accessible. Celebrate contribution of wide range of people. Compensate for negative effects of discrimination in society.
Accountability to Professional Organisations C+D Multidisciplinary: Combining or involving several academic disciplines or professional specializations in an approach to a topic or problem. Partnership working, to include: The need for joined-up working with other service providers Ways service users, carers and advocates are involved in planning, decision-making and support with other service providers Holistic approaches. Holistic Approach Critical information needs to be passed on in order to provide emergency care for the wellbeing of the service. Healthcare professionals must consider PIES + spiritual while planning. GMC (Code of Practice): Helps to protect patients + improve medical education + practice across UK. How they deliver there role: Setting the standers for doctors. Overseeing doctors education and training. Managing the UK medical register. Investigating and acting on concerns about doctors. Helping to raise standards through revalidation. NMC (Code of Practice): Standards that patients + members of the public tell us they expect from healthcare professionals. They are: Respect people’s right to privacy and confidentiality. Treat people as individuals and uphold their dignity. Listen to people and respond to their preferences and concerns. Code of Conduct Set Standers for social workers. Helps workers provide high quality, safe + compassionate, care + support. Outlines behaviours + attitudes ~ who use care + support should rightly expect. It is mandatory. Care Certificate Introduced for HSC workers as they not members of regulated professional bodies. Benefit: Standers for HSC workers in their daily working life. Drawback: It no statutory requirement. Student Tasks: Can you pick out the key words of this topic? Use flashcards etc. What could you be asked in the exam, based on this topic? Create some exam questions and answers.
Write you answers in the space adjacent. Monitoring the work of People in HSC E External Inspections Ofsted (England) Reports directly to parliament, by law it must inspect schools with the aim of providing information to parent to promote improvement + hold schools to account. CQC (England) Makes HSC service provide people safe, effective, compassionate, high quality care + encourage care services to improve. HMIe Responsible for the inspection of public, independent, primary + secondary schools, colleges, community learning, Local Authority Education Departments + teacher education. Whistleblowing Is the situation in which an employee reports poor or dangerous practice at their workplace to the press or to another organisation outside their setting. Service user feedback Helps them improve the service for patients, so that they can get the best care. Criminal Investigations Is extreme circumstances (physical, sexual, emotional, financial abuse). Line management Responsible for managing work of individuals + addressing issues with staff to take appropriate action. Student Task: Write you answers in the space adjacent. What are the responsibilities for Ofsted, CQC and HMIe? Think of a situation when whistle blowing would be used? Research a case study of a criminal investigation in H&SC. S&C: Create your own method for monitoring the work of people in HSC.
BTEC LEVEL 3 HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE: Unit 2 Revision Learning Mats! Roles of Organisations in HSC Name________________________ Date ______ Teacher____________ TA Grade_______ WAG Grade______
Create a set of flashcards for each sector. PUBLIC SECTOR A G.P. Practices Funded according to workload. Receive further payment from NHS; Deemed to give a high quality service. For seniority based G.P. length of service. National Organisations NHS England HSC Northern Ireland NHS Scotland NHS Wales Range of Services Primary health care Provided by G.P.s, dentist, opticians + pharmacists. Services are normally accessed directly by service user when needed. Secondary health care Normally accessed by G.P. as they make referral to a consultant or other healthcare specialists. Tertiary Health care Provides specialist + complex services. e.g.: specialist spinal injury units or hospice support. NHS Foundation Trust Funded by government. Independent organisations. It is to move decision making from NHS to local communities. Adult Social Care For adults who have; disabilities, mental health, frail or other circumstances. Support provided; Care in their homes. Sheltered housing schemes. Day centres. Resident care for elderly. Mental Heath Foundation Trust Provided by G.P. or support may be need form specialist service providers. Managed by the community. Student Task: Create a set of flashcards for each sector. Research and find information about the national organisations do different from each other. Community Health Foundation Trust Work with G.P. + local authority social department to provide HSC support. These may include; Adult + community nursing services. Health visiting + school nursing. End of life care. Walk in/urgent care centres. Children’s Services Support + protect vulnerable children + young people, their families + young carers. Includes; Safeguarding children at risk from abuse or significant harm. Help for parents + carers with “parenting skills”. Practical help in the home.
Independent Sector Private Sector A Key features Shelter Referred as Voluntary sector or Third Sector Services. Third Sector Services – social services provided by voluntary sector known by Third Sector Services. A Key features Not run for personal profit, any income is used to develop their services. Use volunteer for some services. Managed independently of central government or local authorities. Shelter Help homeless + bad housing people who are struggling through advise, support + legal services. NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisation) Supports +promotes work for voluntary sector. Barnados Transform lives for vulnerable children through services, campaigning + research expertise. NACRO (National Association for the Care + Resettlement of Offenders) Change lives by designing + delivering service to equip people with skills, advise + support to move on. Funded Charities donations Central or local government. MENCAP Improves lives of people with learning disability + their families. Student Tasks: Uses the information and put it in a Mind map. How is this helpful in the exam? Find more information about organisations in each sector. Private Sector AXA Help people to protect their possessions, themselves + their families. Different aspects of private care providers; Private schools. Nursery + pre-school services. Hospitals. Domiciliary day care services. Residential + nursing home for elderly. Mental health services. BUPA Not-for-profit private healthcare company. Providing a broad range of healthcare services, support + advice to people throughout their lives. Funded Fees paid directly by service users. Payments from health insurance companies (BUPA- subscription scheme). Grants + other payment from central + local governments for services provided on their behalf.
The Range of Settings that provide HSC B Hospital Outpatients service; Regular clinics Day surgery Other specialist daytime care Inpatients service; Treatment for conditions that require 24 hour specialist support. A+E services; Direct emergency treatment. Domiciliary Care Care provide in client’s home. Services provide support with domestic tasks + intimate personal care that makes the user independent in their own home. The Workplace Occupational Health –they are supposed to keep the workforce fit + healthy. This helps them carry out duties for what they are employed. Hospice Care Improves quality of life for terminally ill people. ACORNS Provide care for children 0 - 18 years with life limiting or life threatening conditions + support for their families. St. Mary’s Hospice Helps + support families throughout patient’s illness + after death. Residential Care 2 Types of care homes; Residential care - provides help with personal care. Nursing home – provide personal care. Some barriers to accessing services may be; Language Inconvenient location of service Financial Scare resources communication Day care centres/units Provide friendly, stimulating + supportive environment for people who would be socially isolated. They serve; Elderly People with disabilities, learning difficulties, mental health problems + specific conditions (dementia). Providers of the service; Voluntary providers, Statutory providers, Private providers. Self-referral Person contacts a care provider personally requesting help. Third-Party referral Someone you knew contacts a health or care service on another person’s behalf. Professional referral Health or care professional contacts another service provider to request support for a service user. National Eligibility Criteria where criteria is applied to decide whether a service user is entitled to support from the local authority social services department. Issues that affect access to Services Community Care Assessment Professional assessment of care needs provided by a local authority. C
Ways Organisations Represent the Interest of Service Users D Whistleblowing Is the situation in which an employee reports poor or dangerous practice at their workplace to the press or to another organisation outside their setting. Charities + Patient groups Voluntary organisations or charities represent service users when they need to contact with official agencies. Charities act as pressure groups (aim to influence public opinion + government decision.) Advocacy Serious problem with communication with patient then advocate may speak on their behalf. They build trusting relationship with clients by; Care meetings Writing letters Emails on client’s behalf. Complaints Policies Procedures + outcomes of any complaints will be checked when the setting is inspected. Service user complains have right to; Their complaints dealt with effectively + timely way. Their complaint formally investigated Be told outcome of their complaint. Care Quality Commission (CQC) Responsible for monitoring + inspecting health services + adult social care services in England. Aim to ensure HSC services are high quality + deliver safely, effectively + compassionately. CQC monitors + inspects; NHS Trust + independent hospitals. Dentist Residential care homes + nursing homes. Domiciliary or home care services. Mental health provision. Accommodation for people requiring treatment for substance misuse. National institute for health + care Excellence (NICE) Responsible for providing guidance on current best practice in health + social care. Aims to control + improve health + social care provision. Roles of Organisations that regulate + inspect HSC Services Organisations that Regulate Professions in HSC Services The Nursing + Midwifery Council (NMC) Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Health + Care Professions Council (HCPC) General medical Council (GMC) Public Health England (PHE) Aims to protect +improve public health + reduce health inequalities. Responsibilities; Setting up health promotion programmes to improve the nations health. Research projects to improve our knowledge of public health issues + generate strategies to address problems. Ofsted Regulates +inspects care provision for children + young people by inspecting; Nurseries, pre-schools + child minders. Fostering + adoption agencies. Settings providing residential care for children. E
Responsibilities of Organisations towards People who work in Health + Social Care Settings Supporting + safeguarding employees in HSC. Follow protocols of regulatory bodies such as GMC. They provide protection for employees ensuring the standers are expected of them are clear. Internal + external complaints care organisations have professional organisations + inspection agencies to have formal procedures to address complaints. Allegations of poor practice are made against staff will be addressed to organisations internal disciplinary systems. More serious go to regulatory body. Extreme cases go to police. Membership of trade unions/professional associations Support them if they accused of professional misconduct or in conflict in other ways to employer. Implementing Code of Practice Health + Social Care Act (2008) requires registered providers of care services must ensure they have sufficient numbers that are qualified to meet needs of service users. Also provide training +professional development ensuring their staff carry out their role. Social care settings required to complete induction programme + meet requirements of Common Induction Standards (2010). Meeting National Occupational Standards (NOS) Standards of professional practice should be met in workplace. NOS underpins Code of Practice in care settings + curriculum for training of practitioners standards including codes of practice for professional bodies. Undertaking Continuing Professional Development Ensures the following the best practice + most up to date procedures. Responsibility of care managers to ensure that support staff that not members are also regularly update + extend their skills.