Lower Secondary School in Kije In our school there are 134 students and 19 teachers. In the same building there is also Primary School.
Information Technology Management Name and surname Function at school Subject taught Mariusz Kudasiewicz Headteacher Geography Tamara Piotrowska Deputy Headmaster Information Technology
Language Lab We like our classroom
School library
Classroom newslatter
Everyday school life Apart from traditional subject lessons…
Everyday school life … studnets learn by actor’s activities
Everyday school life There are also lots of different kinds of affairs in our school.
Everyday school life Every student in first class pledge to learn willingly and be a good student.
Students often take part in excursions and hiking. Everyday school life Students often take part in excursions and hiking.
Everyday school life They can get a motorbike driving licence.
Everyday school life Actor’s club „Without Curtains” prepare plays on different occasions.
Everyday school life There’s also „Dance Club” in our school. Students prepare show that add splendor to many occasions.
Everyday school life Every year, on Dec. 6th Santa Claus comes to visit us.
Everyday school life Sport plays an important part in school live. Our students get lots of prizes in sport competitions.
Everyday school life Fun and games are important part of students’ life
Educational system in Poland The compulsory Education in Poland starts at the age of five or six for the 0 class of kindergarten (Polish przedszkole) and six to seven years in the 1st class of primary school (Polish szkoła podstawowa). They stay there until they are twelve. Next they go to lower secondary school (Polish Gimnazjum) for 3 years. It is obligatory. After Gimnazjum students have final exams and if they get good notes they can choose better secondary school.
Educational system in Poland In Poland we have different types of secondary school: grammar schools technical colleges Both end with a maturity examination (matura) vocational schools After finishing secondary education, young people may go to university or start a job. Universities offer two types of studies: undergraduate – students get a Bachelor’s Degree postgraduate – a Master’s Degree.
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