9/22/14 Journal Discussion Questions How does Natural Selection make changes to a population?
Watch only if there is spare time available you tube geologic time scale
Reminders PAST DUE - your rough draft of your RESEARCH report is past due (don’t discuss your experiment at all in this report). It is background research only! PAST DUE - Ecology Exam Study Guide Review. PAST DUE - Science Journals Root Quiz Thursday Put your Life Has a History Activity in your journal for the next journal check. Make sure you finish the activity.
QUIZ Clear your desks of everything Do NOT write on the quiz please QUIZ Clear your desks of everything Do NOT write on the quiz please Use CAPITAL letters please Keep your answers covered If you need to make up a quiz due to an absence… let me know Flip it over when you are finished and hang on to it.
EcoRegion Project Presentations con’t Part of your grade will be based on your presentation and your attention during your classmates’ presentations. Hand me your rubric when you come up to present.
Battle of the Beaks- Quick Lab Activity (if not completed on Fri) I’ll put you into groups of and assign you a table Each person will choose one of the four beaks on the table: spoon, popsicle stick, forceps, clothespin Plastic cup for stomach. Stomach has to stay upright and may not be used to assist in catching prey I’ll say go….and when I say stop…all birds must put down their beaks and stand up to signal they’ve stopped Count the number of items and record on your data table. There will be no scissor bills (except 2nd period) since we won’t have any groups of 5. So scratch that entire row out. First round is worms only, 2nd round is beetles (skittles) only, 3rd round is weevils (life savers) only, 4th round is all Graph, answer questions and tape in your science journal. List in the table of contents. Be sure to tape it down so that the graph can still be seen. .
Patterns of Evolution ppt
The Geologic Time Scale (only if there is spare time) Geologic Time Scale Demonstration Precambrian Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic Are the four ERAs you need to know.
Evolution = Change over Time (only if there is spare time) Lizard Activity Relay race 1st person on the team comes up and draws the lizard as fast as they can. They flip the original lizard over and leave theirs face up. 2nd person comes up once first person sits down and draws their lizard based on the first person’s drawing . 2nd person flips first person’s lizard down and flips theirs up. 3rd person comes up once second person sits down and they draw their lizard based on the second person’s drawing as fast at they can. They flip the second person’s lizard over and they leave their lizard face up.
EXIT TICKET How are a theory and a hypothesis different? Give an example of a theory. How are natural selection and “survival of the fittest related”?
EXIT TICKET How are a theory and a hypothesis different? Describe the geologic time scale and reflect on the calculator tape demonstration. Explain why we drew the lizards.
Oral Conclusion Please give an example of a limiting factor Describe one way humans are impacting the nitrogen cycle Describe one way humans are impacting the carbon cycle How are microorganisms such as bacteria beneficial to an ecosystem? Organism? Give an example of a producer. A consumer> Describe biological magnification. Give an example of an abiotic factor. A biotic factor. Describe an invasive species and give an example. Why does only 10% of the energy move from trophic level to trophic level? How is primary succession different from secondary succession?