Heart Meets Resistance Sci7: M Apr 5 In Journal Heart Meets Resistance What is the purpose of your blood? What is the purpose of the circulatory system? How are these two questions the same? HBS Lesson 16 Goal: To learn three simple medical tests — heart rate, blood pressure, and body mass index (BMI)— and what these tests can tell you about your health
Body Mass Index (BMI) lb./in.2 Height inches Weight pounds Sci7: M Apr 5 In Journal Heart Meets Resistance Find these values: Pulse BPM (avg. 60-100 BPM) Blood Pressure: (avg. 80-120 Sys./50-80 Dia.) Systolic mmHg Diastolic mmHg Body Mass Index (BMI) lb./in.2 Height inches Weight pounds TA: Prepare 16 Plates and Wax Paper cutouts for each plate for each class; must have 90. Goal: To learn three simple medical tests — heart rate, blood pressure, and body mass index (BMI)— and what these tests can tell you about your health
TA: Prepare 16 Plates and Wax Paper cutouts for each plate for each class; must have 90.
the number of times a person’s heart beats in one minute — pulse The highest your heart rate should safely reach when exercising. Maximum Heart Rate = 220 - (Your Age) Lower THR = (MHR) X 0.60 Upper THR = (MHR) X 0.80 (MHR) Optimum heart rate range that allows a person to receive the most benefits, and the fewest risks when exercising. The force of the blood applied against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. contracting pressure (the higher number). TA: Prepare 16 Plates and Wax Paper cutouts for each plate for each class; must have 90. relaxed pressure (the lower number). A calculation that uses a person’s height and weight to estimate how much body fat he or she has. BMI is an approximation.