Intro to Leadership 07 CS Lesson Community Building Please sit with your 12 o’clock partners Intro to Leadership 07 CS Lesson
I will know the first names of my classmates with 100% accuracy. 9/19/18 Day#6 Please sit with your 12 o’clock partners Respond to each in your notebook: What activity or practice has been the most helpful in learning each other’s names?as the theme/message of the story Magic Pebbles? Learning Target I will know the first names of my classmates with 100% accuracy.
9/19/18 Day#6 Respond to each in your notebook: 1. How can we transfer the skills we have learned so far into our lives outside of this class? 2. What are you thankful for today? 3. How can you show gratitude to the people in your life? Learning Target I will know the first names of my classmates and be a positive contributor in class.
Relationships Names are important Eye Contact Smile Firm grip Positive interaction
Guess who? Divide into 2 teams of 15
My Name My Identity This would be a good opportunity to run through some name games to help with learning names. If you didn’t get to the Cultural naming activity I would do it here.
My Name My Identity project What: Create a poster with your name at the center- similar to the ones the students made in the video. In the space around your name add words, symbols, and/or pictures that represent your identity. This should include a reference to where your name came from. When: We will work on the projects in class, but you are welcome to work on them at home. I will provide the paper, pens, crayons, or colored pencils. If you want to use magazines to cut and glue you are more than welcome to bring them in. Due: End of class Tuesday/Wednesday
Final Thoughts What are you learning about yourself and others during the relationship building activities that we are doing? Why do you think we put such a focus on the importance of names? What relationship skills do you think are most important for someone your age to learn? Why? Respond to the following quote: “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” -Ralph Nader