7th Grade Science PLT - Day 2
“Like Me” Inclusion Activity 5-8 safety/even playing field/frames lesson/prior knowledge/more alike than different/mindset
Celebrations!! What have you used from the first training in your PLT’s or in your instruction with students? “STIR” Strategy
Desired Outcomes Obtain many new engagement strategies! Meet and collaborate with other PLT’s Investigate/reflect on the “5 Kinds of Teacher Thinking.” Plan a lesson with “Understanding By Design” and ICEL as a framework.
Pooh’s Go Together Time Find your Character Match Who would your character be friends with for next activity?
Getting the Job Done! How does it relate at all to your current 5-8 What was your first* job? How does it relate at all to your current role as a teacher? *Alternative: Most Unusual Job
WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF PLANNING? Assumptions WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF PLANNING? Approachable voice, invitational stems, positive presuppositions Vary topics: importance, conditions, sources, data, mindset, etc. Allow all group members a chance to speak Use groups of 4 from Pooh activity
What’s in the Basket?
Chopped Reflection Using the graphic organizer, decide how each aspect of the show is analogous to aspects of teaching. How are they being assessed? How are they planning?
Bounce Card With a partner you have not worked with today...have a conversation about the Chopped video reflection. Each person should aspire to use two of the three categories on the Bounce card in the conversation (Bounce, Sum It Up, Inquire)
Down Time!
Effective Instruction What is the MEASURABLE objective? Do STUDENTS understand the objective? Does INSTRUCTION match the objective? Does the objective match the STANDARD?
5 Kinds of Teacher Thinking Coverage Thinking Activity Thinking Involvement Thinking Mastery Objectives Thinking Thinking Skills Objectives Thinking *From The Skillful Teacher Use Cards - Spend a Buck on Planning (Prediction/Priority)...prediction raises engagement Website link
Reflection on “Spend A Dollar” When is this type of thinking beneficial? When is this type of thinking limiting? What is the “ideal” distribution of types of thinking/planning? Use Cards - Spend a Buck on Planning (Prediction/Priority)...prediction raises engagement Website link
Understanding By Design First Turn/Last Turn Strategy Reflection Question: Where do the 5 Kinds of Teacher Thinking fit into this design?
It’s Lunch Time
Dynamical Systems More data does not lead to better predictions. 5-8 More data does not lead to better predictions. Everything influences everything else. Tiny events create major disturbances. You don’t have to touch everyone to make a difference. Both things and energy matter. Equilateral Triangle with two other people in the room
Lesson Plan Time 5-8 Pick a standard or objective from 7th grade curriculum. Work with your PLT to plan a lesson based on what you have learned and reflected upon today. If desired, upload to shared 7th grade folder. Link to folder is on Science Wiki.
ICEL Instruction - HOW is content taught? 5-8 Instruction - HOW is content taught? Curriculum - WHAT content is taught? Environment - CLIMATE of the school? Learner - WHO are the students? Detailed descriptions on wiki
Kid Cards 5-8 How does your current instructional plan fit the needs of the kids in your “classroom?” Is there anything you would add or change when considering these students?
Two - Voice Poem (Human Body) Final Strategy 5-8 Two - Voice Poem (Human Body)