Knowledge Transfer Office Intellectual Property Rules at the UL Nina Smerdu, Knowledge Transfer Office CONTENT: What is a KTO and who are we Rules and management of IP at the UL Internal procedure with taking over service inventions at the UL The role of KTO Why would your transfer your knowledge Important conclusions Q? Contact The investment is co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.
WHAT is a knowledge transfer? The sharing of knowledge, skills and technologies between public research and enterprises for collective benefit. (source: Knowledge transfer is one of the preferential strategic missions of the University of Ljubljana
KTO‘s main tasks LUI Protection and commercialization of UL‘s IP Assistance in business development Building partnerships and cooperating with industrial sector Education, awareness raising and promotion We are setting up a new web page so you should be able to find us easier on web relatively soon ;) We cooperate closely with the Ljubljana University Incubator (, especially when providing assistance in business development
Legal backgroud and basic IP principles National legislation related to IP Employment Related Industrial Property Rights Act Industrial Property Rights Act Protection of New Varieties of Plants Act Protection of Topographies of Integrated Circuits Act Copyright and Related Rights Act Basic principles: economic rights in intellectual property, created within the course of an employment, belong to the employer (University) the creator/inventor shall participate in the distribution of income, derived from IP commercialisation However, the creator/inventor can never give up nor he/she is taken away his/her moral rights (acknowledgement of inventorship).
Management of the IP at the UL UL‘s rules apply to UL‘s: employees contractual associates visiting researchers students UL‘s internal regulations Rules on management of industrial property rights at the UL (2016 ) Inventor 40% UL 10/30 % UL‘s Member 30/50 % detailed provisions on internal procedures with inventions industrial designs new plant varieties distribution of commercialisation income IPR licensing/assignment Know-how licensing Income less costs for IPR protection is distributed between First Rules were regulating procedures with inventions only. After costs for IPR protection are refunded to UL or UL‘s Member the IP commercialisation income is distributed Students are obliged to follow the Rules under certain conditions, too (Art. 3/3, 4)
Internal procedure with inventions Disclosure of invention (inventor) Evaluation by UL‘s member Innovation committee proposal Rector‘s letter - acquisition of rights in the invention Protection of IPR & commercialisation
The role of KTO UL in knowledge transfer process KTO UL helps you identify, protect and commercialise the results Important! What is created or invented within the University or with its funds, has to be notified as a service invention Declaration Of Confidentiality And Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights First protection, then publication! Results shall be protected whenever possible, reasonable and justified Novelty is one of the key conditions of a patent protection NDA – Non-disclosure agreement Students must sign a declaration on protection of confidentiality of sensitive data they encounter during research and transfer of intellectual property (rights) to the UL (Rules); they also accept the Rules by signing the respective declaration RESULTS: IPR are a tool that enables and supports commercial exploitation of research results NOVELTY: File a patent application BEFORE you publish or otherwise reveal your results (e.g. commercial exploitation, negotiations with potential industry partners, presentations etc.) Before you say too much, sign a NDA with your potential partner! We offer assistance with preparation and examination of NDAs, too.
Why would you transfer your knowledge? Generation of profit and new business and/or employment opportunitites Personal financial gain (40 %) Reputation and reference Impact on social environment and collective benefit Building partnerships within industrial sector … last but not least, getting that fantastic feeling when you see a product that improves or even saves lives and is a result of your knowledge and endeavours! Some propaganda Why the hassle?
Thank you for your attention! Contact E: T: 01 2418 693 Knowledge Transfer Office (Pisarna za prenos znanja) Univerza v Ljubljani Kongresni trg 12 1000 Ljubljana