Mental Wellbeing Week Healthy Minds
What is a Healthy mind? What do you think a healthy mind is? How does your mind and body feel if it is healthy? Encourage the children to come up with answers on a post it note of what they see as healthy mind, to be displayed on white board.
Let me tell you some examples too. Eating well is vitally important to feed our brain’s, Being happy plays an important part to healthy mind and body, supporting positive thinking, Being confident in the things we do, Exercise is important to help us to grow and for a healthy mind and body, Being social and having friendship groups, Showing empathy to others at a time when they need us.
Examples Continued The way we breath plays a vital role mind, Having a quiet space to go to think and be alone, Feeling safe where we are, A warm home with love all-round us, Trust Making decisions, learning the wrong choices have an impact and teach us resilence to move forward Managing behaviour and conflict Good healthy night sleep Ask children what do I mean from some of the examples I have given, get them to come up and share on a post it note their thoughts
What does a unhealthy mind look like? Eating unhealthy food, can you give me some examples ? Lack of a good night sleep does not let our minds rest and our bodies, Lack of exercise , Sitting down on the PlayStation or Xbox for hours on end, Different feelings! LETS TAKE A CLOSURE LOOK AT FEELINGS
Have you ever felt like this? Feeling Anxious Feeling Sick Headaches Can’t Sleep Aching Body Stomach Pain Irritable Tired Snappy At People Restless Heart Beats Fast Tearful Blank Mind Have you ever felt like this?
Way to help you If you have any of these feelings it’s important that you share with some one either in school or at home, even a close family member, Who do I mean? Remember you are never on your own it’s good to share! You can help yourself by trying to take deep breaths in and out so you feel you lungs moving, Use all the mindfulness techniques you have been taught.
Always remember
When you are scared you may You may feel sick Sweaty hands Feel there is no one around you Breath a lot deeper than normal Pains in your stomach When might you feel scared? Headache It’s always a good idea to talk thorough when your scared about something
Feeling stressed This can be a big thing in your mind and body and some times you may feel: Tired Breath faster Can’t eat Feel sick Have a stomach ache Find it hard to sleep Feel your heart go fast Feel sad Headache Your body may ache
If you ever feel like this you must tell some one so that they can help you, Starting a new school Exams and assessments Friendships Moving house Moving to the next class room These are some of the things that can make you feel stressed. Is there anything else?
A Feeling of Worry All of the feelings I have explained to you and you have shared you can also experience with Worry. The most important thing for you all to have a healthy mind is to Smile!! At St Joseph’s we are all hear to LISTEN TO YOU ALL.!!
You are all! Smart Helpful Unique Try your hardest Show empathy Brave Are a good friend Beautiful inside and out Care for others
Remember to Share