13 Colonies and American revolution
13 colonies This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
New England Colonies Started by Puritans Government based on religious views Native American resistance created tension Major industries: Fishing, Timber, and Rum
Middle colonies Started as Dutch settlements Land owed to William Penn Friends with the Native Americans Welcomed everyone Major Industries: Wheat, Beer, Clothing
Southern colonies Land given to Lord Baltimore Colonies started to forgive debt Land given to friends of the king Major Industries: Rice, Tobacco, Indigo
Colonies prosper Mercantilism is set up Navigation Acts enforced Colonies set up governments Colonies start to see themselves as independent
American Revolution Enlightenment period begins in 1700’s The Great Awakening begins a return to the church Both made colonies question traditional authority
American Revolution French and Indian War starts Britain wins and claims French land but halts westward expansion
American Revolution Britain impose taxes on colonies Colonists organize to protest taxes The most unrest was in Boston Revolution is started in 1775
American revolution George Washington is picked to lead Colonial Army 1776 colonist declares independence Thomas Jefferson writes Declaration of Independence
American Revolution Colonist suffer major defeats 1778 France enters war John Adams and Benjamin Franklin negotiate peace talks 1783 Treaty of Paris signed