Biblical Studies From The Book Of Job Now Mine Eye Seeth Thee Biblical Studies From The Book Of Job
Lesson 1 – General Introduction Purpose For The Book To disprove incorrect “religious theories” Many believe, teach man’s sufferings are always proportionate to his sins Yes, sometimes man’s suffering is because of his sin cp. Rom 1:27 1 Pet 4:15 However, this is not always the case
Lesson 1 – General Introduction Purpose For The Book To remind us of God’s higher purposes God’s “perspective” is unique Isa 46:8-10 Ironically, Job had the “intellectual” answer to his problems at the beginning 1:21 2:10 Yet, he had to experience it so that it became more than academics…it needed to be “faith”
Lesson 1 – General Introduction Purpose For The Book To show the benefit of faith that is tried Job eventually learns what he could not have known had he not suffered 42:5 THIS IS THE THEME OF THE BOOK Thus, we are taught the value of trials cp. Jas 1:2-4 Acts 14:22
Lesson 1 – General Introduction The Book Of Job The Prologue Job 1-2 The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6 The Epilogue Job 42:7-17 4 J. Sidlow Baxter “Explore The Book” Vol. 3, p. 29
Lesson 1 – General Introduction The Book Of Job The Prologue Job 1-2 Job – his piety in prosperity 1:1-5 Satan – his lies in malignity 1:6-19 Job – his piety in adversity 1:20-22 Satan – his further malignity 2:1-8 Job – his piety in extremity 2:9-13 J. Sidlow Baxter “Explore The Book” Vol. 3, p. 29
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Description of the man 1:1-5 His origin Ù Uz v. 1a cp. Lam 4:21 His character (stated) Ù stellar v. 1b “Blameless” - whole morally; a man of integrity “Upright” - committed to the standards of God “Fearing God” - reverence for his Creator
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Description of the man 1:1-5 His origin Ù Uz v. 1a cp. Lam 4:21 His character (stated) Ù stellar v. 1b “Turning away from sin” - kept himself from anything prohibited by God
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Description of the man 1:1-5 His prosperity Ù blessed greatly vv. 2-3 Many children Large flocks & herds, multitude of servants “The greatest of all the men of the east” Job acknowledged the source of these blessings cp. 1:21
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Description of the man 1:1-5 His character (in action) Ù steadfast vv. 4-5 He was concerned about his children’s spiritual standing before God “Perhaps…” (wouldn’t take the chance) He would “rise early” & sacrifice “continually” (devotion, commitment)
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Delivery of the 1st calamity 1:6-22 The origin Ù what Job didn’t see vv. 6-12 The “sons of God” = angels cp. 1 Kings 22:19-23 They apparently are summoned at the will of God to appear before Him for purposes unknown to man Included is Satan…obviously, he still must answer a “Divine summons” cp. Zech 3:1
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Delivery of the 1st calamity 1:6-22 The origin Ù what Job didn’t see vv. 6-12 Satan’s answer to God’s question harmonizes with his earthly activities v. 7 cp. 1 Pet 5:8 God confidently puts forth Job as one whom Satan could not devour v. 8 Notice God’s commendation…“My servant Job”
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Delivery of the 1st calamity 1:6-22 The origin Ù what Job didn’t see vv. 6-12 Satan’s 1st challenge to God re: Job vv. 9-11 Satan insults man by implied accusation…Job is faithful only because God has “paid him” or “hedged him in” Satan continues… “If Thou put forth Thy hand, the one in whom Thou hast placed confidence will curse Thee to Thy face!”
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Delivery of the 1st calamity 1:6-22 The origin Ù what Job didn’t see vv. 6-12 Satan’s 1st test of Job v. 12 God grants Satan power over all that Job possesses; yet, he is limited in what he could do cp. 1 Cor 10:13 The limitation…Satan could not touch Job personally
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Delivery of the 1st calamity 1:6-22 The onslaught Ù what Job “saw” vv. 13-22 Job loses all he had (family, wealth) vv. 13-19 The main point to emphasize is the “rapid pace” at which all this happened vv. 16, 17, 18 Where in all this could Job “catch his breath?” No doubt, Satan thought he could overwhelm Job
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Delivery of the 1st calamity 1:6-22 The onslaught Ù what Job “saw” vv. 13-22 Job’s response vv. 20-22 Naturally, he grieved…who wouldn’t?? v. 20a Faithfully, he “worshiped” v. 20b Appropriately, he acknowledged such blessings as from God that come & go at His Divine favor v. 21
Job: His Character & Calamities The Prologue Job 1-2 Job: His Character & Calamities Delivery of the 1st calamity 1:6-22 The onslaught Ù what Job “saw” vv. 13-22 Job’s response vv. 20-22 Predictably (as God had said), he remained faithful and did not do as Satan had slanderously proclaimed v. 22 “Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God.” This proved Satan to be a liar cp. Jn 8:44