Message 7: Remedy – Looking Unto Jesus Hebrews 12:1-3
Running the Race 7
Run without Encumbrance 7 “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth easily beset us …” (Heb. 12:1). “weights” – burdens which weighs us down. Cares of this world (Mark 4:19)
Run without Encumbrance 7 Light burdens when carried for a prolonged period can turn into heavy burdens. Remedy: Cast your burdens upon Jesus (Matt. 11:28; Ps. 55:22; 1Pet. 5:7).
Run without Encumbrance 7 “besetting sins” – eu-peri-statos Not cardinal sins but subtle sins appealing to our self and lust.
Run without Encumbrance 7 It is the besetting sins that cause our downfall (Song 2:15).
Run without Encumbrance 7 Kill sin before sin kills you!
Run with Endurance 7 “… and let us run with patience (hupomonē) the race that is set before us” (Heb. 12:1).
Run with Endurance 7 The Christian race takes a lifetime to complete. Spurgeon: “By perseverance even the snail reached the ark” Jesus: He endures to the end shall be saved (Matt. 24:13).
Run with Encouragement 7 The cloud of witnesses refer to the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11.
Run with Encouragement 7 Looking Unto Jesus The Author and Finisher of Our Faith