Learning styles When I hear, I forget When I see, I remember When I do, I learn » Chinese Proverb WHAT IS LEARING STYLES? Learning styles are the way in which each individual learner begins to concentrate on, process, absorb, and retain new and difficult information. Learning styles, thus, are the most important tool for us when we construct knowledge. Most people havenft got the faintest idea about their learning styles profile, and people are often somewhat embarrassed about the way they actually act when studying: They donft find it in keeping with ggood student behaviorh. The right way of studying, however, does not exist. Everybody learns in his individual way, but without knowing this way, i.e. without knowing your preferences, you canft learn efficiently – sometimes you canft learn at all.
Is this a frog? We all learn differently and we perceive what is around us slightly differently to each other
Or is it a horse?
WHAT DO WE MEAN BY LEARNING STYLES? Learning styles are the way in which each individual learner begins to concentrate on, process, absorb, and retain new and difficult information. Learning styles, thus, are the most important tool for us when we construct knowledge. Most people haven't got the faintest idea about their learning styles profile, and people are often somewhat embarrassed about the way they actually act when studying: They don't find it in keeping with good student behaviour. The right way of studying, however, does not exist. Everybody learns in his individual way, but without knowing this way, i.e. without knowing your preferences, you can’t learn efficiently – sometimes you can’t learn at all.
What is my learning style? Now do the Quiz
The Results If you chose mostly A’s you have a VISUAL learning style. If you chose mostly B’s you have an AUDITORY learning style. If you chose mostly C’s you have a KINAESTHETIC learning style.
Visual Learning Styles • Make up 65% of population • Ideas, concepts, data and other information are associated with images and techniques • Prosper when shown graphs, or graphic organizers, such as webs, concept maps and idea maps • Use symbols to represent ideas and information • May have exceptional "photographic memories"
Hints for Visual Learners Relate best to written information, notes, diagrams, maps, graphs, flashcards, highlighters, charts, pictures computers. • Need a quiet place to study • When possible have written instructions rather than oral ones. • Benefit from previewing reading material. • Write down directions or draw a map • Need to see the instructor's facial expressions and body language • Concentrate better with clear line of sight to blackboard or visual aids
AUDITORY learning styles Makes up about 30% of population • Use phrases such as "Sounds good to me," and "It's starting to ring a bell.“ • Learn most effectively by listening to information delivered orally, in lectures, speeches, and oral sessions.
Hints for AUDITORY learners • Listen to music or having different sounds in the background (TV, people talking, etc.) while reading • Make tapes of class notes and then listen to them. • Remember details by trying to "hear" previous discussions. • Participate in class discussions. • Ask questions and volunteer in class. • Read assignments out loud. • Put information into a rhythmic pattern such as a poem or song
KINAESTHETIC Learners • Learning takes place by the student actually carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or merely watching a demonstration • “Natural discovery” learners • Have realizations through doing, experiencing, touching,moving or being active
Hints for KINAESTHETIC learners Remember by using tools, building models and manipulating things • Benefit from hands-on teaching techniques, role-playing and simulations • Listen to background music while studying or working • Learn more effectively when free to move • Studies effectively laying on floor or bed, fidgeting, tapping fingers or touching objects