PLEASE DELETE THIS SLIDE WHEN YOUR PRESENTATION IS COMPLETE Powerpoint Template and Guidelines FONTS For proportional text, use the fonts specified in the PowerPoint template: Arial and Arial Black. If you import text by linking to or copying from another document (e.g., Word or Excel), be sure the imported text uses the correct fonts: Arial and Arial Black. Use the point sizes set in the PowerPoint template 28 font size for slide titles 22 font size or larger for headlines Bullet points (Keep bullet points to no more than five levels) Rule of thumb: If you cannot read text on your computer screen from a distance of 3m viewers will NOT be able read it from the back of the room. LAYOUT To preserve legibility and visual integrity, please ensure the logo is surrounded by sufficient ‘clear space’ . Please enable guides - see below. To enable guides and grids. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then click View Gridlines. Use the layout provided in the PowerPoint template for your title page and for all slides. To apply alternate page designs/layout. Right click your page >Layout and select from the options available. To edit graphics/footers in the master click View tab select Slide Master COLOUR It's preferred to use a colour palette of five or fewer colours for an entire presentation. Use the following guidelines and template for preparing your PowerPoint slides: Our brand is designed to look as consistent on screen as in print. Therefore the same elements such as typography and colours outlined above should be applied to our PowerPoint presentations. As a general rule, PowerPoint slides should never be overcrowded, allowing space around each slide. A simple template has been created that can work effectively across all divisions and presentations. Templates for this PowerPoint have been created to ensure consistent production. Please contact the CSU Marketing team for further assistance. TO APPLY ALTERNATE PAGE LAYOUT RIGHT CLICK YOUR PAGE > LAYOUT TO EDIT THE FOOTER IN THE MASTER SELECT: VIEW > SLIDE MASTER (SCROLL TO SLIDE 1 & UPDATE) *IMPORTANT* PLEASE DELETE THIS SLIDE WHEN YOUR PRESENTATION IS COMPLETE
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