Deploying Your SPYDERCRANE's Outriggers Deployment Lesson KBT 4.3 Welcome to Lesson Topic 4.3, Deploying the Outriggers. This lesson topic covers all SPYDERCRANE Micro-Crawlers, the 094-, 095-, and 200-Series SPYDERCRANE.
Topic Overview and Contents This Lesson Topic (Deploying The Outriggers) is designed to provide you with an overview of the OUTRIGGER CONTROL GROUP (OCG) and how it used to hydraulically deploy the outriggers so that the SPYDERCRANE can be used for lifting operations You will learn about: The Outrigger Control Group (OCG) and its function How to use the OCG to deploy the SPYDERCRANE and level it for lifting operations It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to read and understand the user manuals included with your SPYDERCRANE and the warning decals posted on it This Lesson Topic covers the 094-, 095-, and 200-Series SPYDERCRANE This topic covers the Outrigger Control Group (or, OCG) and the procedures for deploying your SPYDERCRANE’s outriggers and leveling the carrier for lifting operations.
Learning Objective(s) At the conclusion of this Topic you should be able to... DLO 4.3.1: Define OUTRIGGER DEPLOYMENT. DLO 4.3.2: Identify the procedural steps for DEPLOYING the SPYDERCRANE's outriggers. DLO 4.3.3: Describe each control interface with the OUTRIGGER CONTROL GROUP (OCG). In this, the last Topic for the Deployment Lesson, there are two Learning Objectives
Placing the TCG into the Crane Setting The outriggers MUST be pre-deployed The first step to deploying the outriggers is to put the SPYDERCRANE in CRANE MODE To switch to Crane Mode, go to the Travel Control Group (TCG) pull the Mode Lock Lever and rotate the Track Control Base (TCB) to the Crane Setting If you are using a propane-powered variant, you will need to dismount the Propane Tank from the Tank Holder and set it down beside the TCG BEFORE you can switch to Crane Mode With all four outriggers pre-deployed to their working positions, you can deploy the SPYDERCRANE for lifting operations. Before beginning the OUTRIGGER DEPLOYMENT procedure, you should: Make sure that the lifting site has been properly sanitized and is free of obstructions that might prevent the outriggers from fully deploying. Place the OUTRIGGER PADS (if you are using them). Turn on the SPYDERCRANE's engine.
Booting up the Crane Management Unit When the SPYDERCRANE is placed into Crane Mode, the CMU will boot-up The AAS will sound off no later than two seconds after you place the TCB into the Crane Setting [BING-BONG!] “Crane Mode, Crane Mode…” The VWS will alert you that the SPYDERCRANE is in Crane Mode The TPD will sound the Lockout Alarm [Beeeeeeeeeeeeeep…..!] Rotate the TRAVEL CONTROL GROUP (TCG) TRACK CONTROL BASE (TCB) into its CRANE SETTING. If you are using a gasoline-powered SPYDERCRANE with a propane tank installed, you may have to dismount the tank from the PROPANE TANK HOLDER and lay it next to the TCG, in order to lower the TCB into the Crane Setting. If you lower the TCB into its Crane Setting while the SPYDERCRANE is running, or if you turn the SPYDERCRANE on after locking the TCB into its Crane Setting, the CRANE MANAGEMENT UNIT (CMU) will begin its boot-up sequence: The SPYDERCRANE's AUDIBLE ALERT SYSTEM (AAS) will sound off, signaling that the CMU has completed its boot and calibration sequence. The AAS will emit a two-tone signal alarm ("DING-DONG!"). The VOICE WARNING SYSTEM (VWS) will announce that the SPYDERCRANE is in CRANE MODE ("Crane Mode, Crane Mode...). The TURNOVER PREVENTION DEVICE (TPD) will sound the LOCKOUT ALARM, a solid, high-pitched alarm signal. When you place the SPYDERCRANE into Crane Mode (or start it while the TCB is in its Crane Setting) it is CRITICAL that you NOT touch ANY levers or switches until the CMU completes its boot sequence (the “DING-DONG” sound). If you do manipulate a lever, or switch, before the CMU can complete its boot sequence, the CMU will incorrectly calibrate and generate an ERROR CODE. To clear the error, you will need to turn off the SPYDERCRANE and then re-start it; this time, allowing the CMU to complete its boot sequence. With the SPYDERCRANE in Crane Mode, you will need to switch the SPYDERCRANE to OUTRIGGER MODE. You will do this at the OUTRIGGER CONTROL GROUP (OCG). DO NOT touch any switches or levers until you hear the AAS!
The Outrigger Control Group The OUTRIGGER CONTROL GROUP (OCG) is used to deploy and re-deploy the Outriggers URW295CP1URS/P without Outriggers and Upperworks It can only be enabled when the SPYDERCRANE is in Crane Mode The Outrigger Control Group is installed at the front of the Micro-Crawler’s carrier, opposite the TCG. When the SPYDERCRANE is in Crane Mode, the OCG is disabled, by default Outrigger Control Group (OCG)
The Outrigger Control Group (OCG) OUTRIGGER/CRANE MODE SWITCH Switches the SPYDERCRANE from CRANE MODE to OUTRIGGER MODE OUTRIGGER COMMAND SWITCHES Enables the “Extend” and “Retract” command for the individual outriggers OCG SAFETY HORN Used to warn bystanders when deploying the extending/retracting the outriggers The OUTRIGGER CONTROL GROUP (OCG) is installed at the front of the SPYDERCRANE's carrier (on the opposite of the SPYDERCRANE from the TCG). The OCG has four sub-groups: The OUTRIGGER/CRANE MODE SWITCH This is the red temporary toggle switch at the upper left corner of the OCG panel. It switches the SPYDERCRANE from Crane Mode to Outrigger Mode, and back. The OUTRIGGER COMMAND SWITCHES These switches command the individual outriggers' deployment. They are three-position toggles: RET (Retract). Orders the outrigger to retract. EXT (Extend). Order the outriggers to extend for deployment. (Neutral). To discontinue sending commands to a specific outrigger, you need to push the toggle into its center position; this is the Neutral position. The OCG SAFETY HORN Use the Safety Horn to signal bystanders that you will be deploying/re-deploying the SPYDERCRANE. The OUTRIGGER CONTROL LEVER The Outrigger Command Switches don't actually apply the hydraulic power to extend, or retract, the outriggers; in order to apply this power, you will need to use the Outrigger Control Lever. The Outrigger Control Lever is the shortest of the five hydraulic levers to the left of the OCG. The Outrigger Control Lever is the furthest to the left. Next, we will go over how to use the OCG to actually deploy the outriggers. OUTRIGGER CONTROL LEVER (not shown) Used to warn bystanders when deploying the extending/retracting the outriggers
Switching to Outrigger Mode With the Micro-Crawler running and in Crane Mode, toggle the Outrigger/Crane Mode Switch to “OUTRIGGER” “Outrigger Mode, Outriggers Moving…” VWS will announce Outrigger Mode [Beep…Beep…Beep…Beep…] AAS will sound the OUTRIGGER MODE ALARM Flip the Outrigger/Crane Mode Switch to "Outrigger.“ The switch is a temporary toggle, once you release it, it will return to its center position. A few things will happen when you flip the switch to Outrigger Mode: The VWS will announce "Outrigger Mode, Outriggers Moving..." The AAS will sound the OUTRIGGER MODE ALARM (a constant beeping sound) The OUTRIGGER MODE LAMP (the orange lamp above the OCG) will light up. The OUTRIGGER MODE LAMP (the orange lamp just above the OCG) will light up
Preparing to Deploy Outriggers #2 and #3 With the Micro-Crawler in Outrigger Mode, find the OUTRIGGER COMMAND SWITCHES associated with Outriggers #2 and #3 and flip them to “EXT” Flip the Outrigger Control Switches for Outriggers #2 and #3 to "EXT." Either by calling out, or using the Safety Horn, warn bystanders that you will be deploying. The Outrigger Command Switch panel has a small graphic depicting the Micro-Crawler and its Outriggers, Outriggers #2 and #3 are the two furthest from where you would be standing at the OCG
Deploying Outriggers #2 and #3 Make sure that the area where Outriggers #2 and #3 are clear, use the HORN to warn bystanders Push DOWN on the OUTRIGGER CONTROL LEVER Push down the Outrigger Control Lever to its stop to command the outriggers to extend. Outriggers #2 and #3 will extend down to the ground. If you are using outrigger pads, make sure to place them so that they are centered on the feet. The Outrigger Deployment Lever is the one on the far-left (the short one); pushing down on the lever will execute the “EXTEND” command you input using the switches: Outriggers #2 and#3 will extend down to the ground
Clear the Tracks at the Rear Hold down the Outrigger Deployment Lever until Outriggers #2 and #3 hit the ground and begin to lift the rear of the Micro- Crawler off of the ground When deploying the Micro-Crawler it is CRITICAL that the tracks be COMPLETELY off of the ground Continue to extend the Outriggers #2 and #3 until they hit the ground (or the outrigger pads) and raise the rear of the SPYDERCRANE off of the ground.
Reset and Repeat Reset the Outrigger Command Switches for Outriggers #2 and #3 back to their center (neutral) positions Flip the Deployment Command Switches for Outriggers #1 and #1 to “EXT” Repeat Steps 4-6 to deploy Outriggers #1 and #4, making sure to lift the FRONT of the Micro-Crawler off of the ground Neutralize Outriggers #2 and #3 by setting their Outrigger Control Switches to their center positions. Repeat Steps 2. through 5. until you have raised the front of the SPYDERCRANE off of the ground.
Level and Check Clearance Use the OCG LEVEL to level out the deployed Micro-Crawler The OCG Level is behind the Outrigger Mode Lamp Level out the SPYDERCRANE to 1° Confirm that ALL four Outriggers are down and that the tracks are COMPLETELY off the ground Once all four outriggers are grounded and the tracks of the SPYDERCRANE are off of the ground, you will need to the use the SPYDERCRANE's BUBBLE LEVEL to level the SPYDERCRANE. It is CRITICAL that the SPYDERCRANE be level to within 1-degree. It is also CRITICAL to make sure that the SPYDERCRANE's tracks are COMPLETELY OFF the ground. (2 Inches of clearance is standard, but, NOT mandatory). When you have leveled the SPYDERCRANE switch it back to Crane Mode. You want two inches (50mm) of clearance. Finalize the deployment by switching the SPYDERCRANE back to Crane Mode