White House Heritage High School Ms. Allison Kosis allison.kosis@rcstn.net 615-672-0311 ext: 2212
The student has 4 classes per day The classes last for 90 minutes each Block Scheduling The student has 4 classes per day The classes last for 90 minutes each Pat Time is 30 minutes
Block Scheduling (cont.) The student will have the same 4 classes for Semester 1: August - December This is broken down into quarters: Quarter 1: August - October Quarter 2: October - December
This is broke down into quarters: Quarter 3: January -March Block Scheduling (cont.) The student has a different set of 4 classes for Semester 2: January -May This is broke down into quarters: Quarter 3: January -March Quarter 4: March -May
Graduation Requirements EOC/TCAP tests are administered at the end of the class session and this year counts 15% of the student’s final grade for the semester. EOC/TCAP Tests-currently English I, English II, United States History, Algebra 1, Algebra II and Geometry (this is subject to change each year) Must take the ACT to graduate Must score a 70 or higher on the Civics Test
English Requirements* English 1 1 Credit English 2 1 Credit English 3 1 Credit English 4 1 Credit or Dual English credit through Volunteer State or Austin Peay counts as English 1010 and English 1020 for college credit.
Math Requirements Math-4 Credits (students must take a math class every year) Algebra 1: 1 Credit Geometry 1 Credit Algebra 2 1 Credit Upper level Math 1 Credit
Science & Social Studies Requirements Social Studies 3 credits World History & Geography (Freshman Year) 1 credit U.S. History & Geography (Junior Year) 1 credit Economics (Senior Year) ½ credit Government (Senior year) ½ credit Science-3 credits Lab science of choice -1 credit Chemistry/Physics-1 credit Biology 1 -1 credit AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY
Fine Art, Foreign Language & Elective Focus Fine Art- 1 credit Foreign Language- 2 credits (SPANISH) Elective Focus (program of study)- 3 credits Students completing a CTE elective focus must complete three units in the same CTE program area in a program. Science, math, humanities, fine arts can also be an elective focus. For example, Visual Arts II, Visual Arts III, Visual Arts IV counts as an elective focus. This is just one example
Other Requirements Wellness 1 Credit (usually freshman year) P.E. ½ Credit (usually senior year- paired with PF) Personal Finance ½ credit (usually senior year- paired with PE.)
Programs of Study--WHHHS Agriculture Digital Arts and Design Business Dietetics and Nutrition Early Childhood Health Science
Programs of Study--SHS Cosmetology Criminal Justice and Correction Services Residential & Commercial Construction Engineering Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Fashion Design Nursing Services Culinary Arts
Grade Promotion 6 credits = Sophomore 12 credits = Junior 20 credits = Senior 26 credits = Graduation If you don’t earn the credits then you will not be a sophomore We DO NOT socially promote
ATTENDANCE ATTENDANCE IS IMPORTANT TO EARNING CREDITS. IF YOU ARE NOT IN CLASS THEN YOU CANNOT RECEIVE THE INSTRUCTION TO EARN CREDITS. The State of Tennessee and Robertson County Board of Education adopted a policy where 8 unexcused tardies or early dismissals will equal 1 unexcused absences. 10 unexcused absences result in truancy charges. Board Policy (4.520) states that if a student has an A in the course and no more than 3 excused absences, if they have a B in the course with no more than 2 excused absences. This will exempt them from taking final exams. Students that have had ISS or OSS will not be exempted.
What is GPA? A = 4 points B = 3 points C = 2 points D = 1 point F = 0 points This is very important for class rank, university admissions, scholarships, etc. Your GPA starts after your very first nine weeks (quarter 1) grades. Ranking (the Board Policy-students taking advanced classes will be rank above those that do not) Advanced Classes + 3 points are added at the end of each nine weeks grade Valedictorian ties are broken the ACT scores starting with the Class of 2021.
Costs Students meeting the college admissions guidelines can received four free college classes the only cost to the parent would be the books. The Robertson County School System Covers the cost of the Industry Certification Test(s) The ASVAB is free to take Students can take the ACT free twice: Once time during their Junior Year and the other time during their Senior Year.
Yes, you can graduate with all three! Graduation To graduate with Honors a senior must complete all graduation requirements with a minimum of a 3.50 to graduate with “Honors” To graduate with State Honors the student must meet all four Benchmarks on the ACT to graduate with “State Honors” To graduate with Distinction a student must have a 3.00 GPA and have one of the following: Earn 12 hours of Dual Enrollment, Score a 31 or higher on the ACT, Attain a score of 3 or higher on 2 AP tests, earn an industry certification, participate in a Governor's School. Yes, you can graduate with all three!
Visit act.org often for practice ACT tips Take rigorous courses Visit act.org often for practice Enroll in ACT Prep Read, read, and read Attend ACT tutoring Set an ACT score goal
It is important to stay in contact with your high school counselor Please make sure that you are using Power School to stay informed about your child's grades.
What to do next… Contact Mrs. Amy Stark to register for an individual meeting with Ms. Kosis in order to confirm course request. amy.stark@rcstn.net or by phone at 615-672-0311 ext: 2100