Daily Oral Language Week 2 Heartbeat Daily Oral Language Week 2
Sentence 1 Use the correct form of the adverb. max could run more fast than alice but she did not care running wasnt about competition it was about breathing in and breathing out letting the wind caress your face
Sentence 2 Use the correct form of the adjective. while grandpa seemed to be evaporating shrinking disappearing more each day the alien baby seemed to be getting more and more large
Sentence 3 Use the correct form of the adjective. alice did not understand max their little town seemed huger to her it was never the same everything was in a state of change the lights the smells the sounds and the people coming and going and growing biggest and oldest
Sentence 4 Use the correct form of the adjective. one of the happier days of all was the day mother came home with pictures of the alien baby there was a head and arms and legs a real little baby
Sentence 5 Use the correct form of the adjective. they would have to stop calling it the alien baby after all it could hear them talk and it was soon to make this one of the most happy families in the whole world