T. Russell Shields, Chair, Ygomi LLC +1-847-577-9800 trs@ygomi.com SOURCE: TIA (Prime PSO) TITLE: PPSO (GRSC) Update on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Communications Efforts AGENDA ITEM: GRSC-4 Item 5.4 CONTACT: Russell Shields, TRS@ygomi.com GSC11_GRSC4_26 PPSO (GRSC) Update: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Communications Efforts T. Russell Shields, Chair, Ygomi LLC +1-847-577-9800 trs@ygomi.com
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Overview U.S. report Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) program and Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Vehicle communications in low-coverage areas U.S. legislative/regulatory update ECall / ACN New secretariat for ISO/TC-204 Vehicle communications workshop Location-based services for vehicles Privacy vs lawful intercept Software reconfigurable radios PPSO Summary and overall discussions GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
VII Program and DSRC/WAVE U.S. DOT continues strong support for the vehicle infrastructure integration (VII) effort Strong (exclusive) communications emphasis on DSRC/WAVE at 5.9GHz (IEEE 802.11p) Testing to be extended in the VII program Continuing efforts toward Intersection collision avoidance Cooperative crash avoidance Application focus now in VII Consortium (U.S. DOT, state DOTs, and several vehicle manufacturers) “VII Road Show” beginning shortly – live demonstration of VII technologies in multiple cities across the U.S. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
Safety Message Communications in Low Coverage Areas DSRC deployment leaves coverage gaps (not just in U.S.) Especially in rural areas where disproportionate number of crashes occur Need a wide-area vehicle data communications technology to fill gaps 700 MHz one possibility Safety messages to/from vehicles could be overlaid on public safety usage, especially in rural areas where this usage is low GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 700 MHz in the U.S. Spectrum becomes available with transition to digital TV 24 MHz allocated to public safety / emergency response 12 MHz wide band, 12 MHz narrow band FCC issued request for comments (March 2006) on proposals from Lucent, Motorola, and the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) for the reconfiguration of the wideband portion for public safety More on this shortly, under Legislative/Regulatory Update ITS America is considering to comment, not to take sides but to make sure the vehicle safety communications issue is visible GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
U.S. Legislative/ Regulatory Update Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) FCC Second Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and Order (FCC 06-56) – see gsc11_grsc4_26a1 Adopted May 3, 2006, ET Docket No. 04-295; RM-10865 Requires all carriers providing facilities-based broadband Internet access and interconnected VoIP services to comply with CALEA by May 14, 2007 The FCC may take separate enforcement action against carriers that fail to comply Carriers are generally responsible for CALEA development and implementation costs for post-January 1, 1995 equipment and facilities Concludes it would be premature for the FCC to intervene in the standards development process Memorandum Opinion and Order Denies request to re-set the CALEA compliance deadline Concludes that the public interest is best served by the May 14, 2007 compliance date, Impact: Extends the reach of CALEA to new services and technologies. What are the implications for next generation in-vehicle technologies? GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
U.S. Legislative/Regulatory Update (cont’d) 700 MHZ - 8th Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 06-34): “The Development of Operational, Technical and Spectrum Requirements for Meeting Federal, State and Local Public Safety Communications Requirements Through the Year 2010” Adopted 2006-3-17, Released 2006-3-21, Comments Due 2006-6-6 Seeks comment on: Whether to modify the current 700 MHz band plan to accommodate public safety broadband operations Whether there is a continuing need for wideband data interoperability 3 Proposals - NPSTC, Motorola, and Lucent Recommends re-channelizing the wideband and reserve portions of the band – nearly 12 MHz – to accommodate broadband operations. Interoperability. What provisions should be made for interoperability if the FCC creates broadband channels? What is the purpose of maintaining wideband interoperability channels in a broadband environment? Whether to adopt an interoperability standard and require all wideband/broadband radios to support such a standard? Narrowband. FCC’s tentative conclusion is not to alter the narrowband portions of the 700 MHz band. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
U.S. Legislative/Regulatory Update (cont’d) 700 MHz (cont’d) Public Safety Applications How broadband applications for public safety could promote interoperability and whether to adopt interoperability standards for wideband and broadband channels. Channel Size and Spectrum Efficiency Whether high data rate broadband applications are a spectrally efficient use of the 700 MHz band or are better suited to the 4.9 GHz public safety band. Interference Methods of interference protection necessary to protect both adjacent narrowband operations and in-band broadband/wideband operations. Impact Spectrum could potentially also be used to fill gaps for vehicle safety communications where DSRC/WAVE services cannot reach, particularly rural areas. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
U.S. Legislative/Regulatory Update (cont’d) Universal Service Fund (USF) – Several Ongoing FCC Proceedings: FCC is reconsidering how it collects the universal service fund because the current method is outdated and does not reflect today’s market Unclear if USF will expand to VoIP systems or voice-enabled instant messaging that do not rely on telephone numbers. FCC Chair supports a "numbers-based approach," which levies taxes on all phone numbers, regardless of calling technology used OnStar, ATX, and Mercedes filings oppose proposal, saying it is: Inequitable and discriminatory: Wide disparity exists between users and each cannot be assessed the same fee. Telematics does not compete with or substitute for regular voice services. A cost burden: A per phone-number is unfair because of low utilization of telecommunications. Average usage is less than 10 minutes per month. Prepaid users pay no monthly charges. Not in the Public Interest: Discourages use of life-saving telematics technology and hinders public service. Options: FCC should exempt telematics, use current assessment model or percentage of telecommunications revenues based on an “equivalency ratio” adjustment to the monthly per phone number rate. Unaddressed issue is machine to-machine communications. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications eCall and ACN In the U.S., the FCC has directed that all mobile phones must be able to provide their location for an emergency call (E-911) Technology up to phone vendor and carrier Could include a GPS chipset in phone ($$) Could try to triangulate phone’s signal (not very accurate) Deployment progress very slow, especially since this represents cost without revenue to phone vendors and carriers; deadlines keep slipping In vehicles, sensible approach is to have the vehicle deliver its location to any onboard phone dialing 9-1-1 (1-1-2), most notably if the call is triggered by the vehicle’s detection of a crash Vehicle-delivered location helps to sync up eCall with ACN message Need Bluetooth profile for vehicle to deliver location and trigger call Need Bluetooth profile for phone to request location from vehicle for non-triggered eCalls In any case, standard format/rules needed for encoding location in message from phone to PSAP Need a crash message approach that does not depend on driver paying a monthly subscription charge GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
New Secretariat for ISO/TC-204 ITS America is retiring as ANSI’s designee for ISO TC-204 secretariat TIA is taking on this responsibility as of June 2006 TIA will also serve as Administrator of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to TC-204 TIA has been WG16, Working Advisory Group (WAG) Administrator for over a decade and SDO involving air interfaces applicable to ITS messaging/notification and as a mobile Broadband communication media GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
Vehicle Communications Workshop and Exhibition In conjunction with the 77th International Geneva Motor Show 8-18 March 2007 Follow-on to very successful workshop last year in same venue “The Fully Networked Car II” Workshop March 7-9, 2007 (sponsors include ITU, ISO, IEC) Exhibition March 8-18, 2007 Urge all PSOs to notify their members and encourage their participation in the Geneva event ITS communications is emerging as part of overall interconnectivity paradigm shift involving the home/enterprise, mobile/nomadic devices, and transport vehicles like automobiles GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Nomadic Devices Hot topic: How vehicles will interface with nomadic devices Vehicle manufacturers are starting to think about building such interfaces (e.g., a docking station) Connector will probably become a consumer disposable Hot topic: Standard for workload management i.e., get device to go dormant if driver workload exceeds a device-dependent threshold Standard: Delivery of codes by vehicle to device characterizing current driver workload ITU APSC TELEMOV would be a good home for this activity GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
Location for Vehicle Safety Positioning dangerous conditions must be precise for roadways Hole in road 26 cm from right edge Crash vehicle position must be precise for emergency vehicles Upper level or lower level of roadway Main road of slip road GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
Privacy and Lawful Intercept An area of hot debate at present Privacy is a top requirement, but ... ITS communications will be subject to lawful intercept (wireless wire tapping) with court order CALEA (in the U.S.) and case law make clear that systems must be designed to make this reasonably easy Possible that records will have to be retained for court-authorized post hoc acquisition and analysis by law enforcement agencies Message authentication and hacking prevention will require some identifying information to travel with messages Can drivers be allowed to “opt out” in the name of privacy if this means they are withholding safety-critical data? GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
Software Reconfigurable Radios Separate report in more detail SRRs are software-based radios that can download and install updates to their own software, and which include updatable software-controlled antenna filters Essential for vehicle safety, considering mismatch in lifecycles between vehicles and communications technology GSC resolution needed to get this work rapidly under way – approaching critical path Relevant standards venues include IEEE 802.22 for TV white space including the use of SDR IEEE P1900 series on spectrum management for “policy-driven” radios GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
ITS PPSO Summary and Discussion TBD GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications