Classroom EXPECTATIONS U.S. History 8 Ms. Harrington 2018-19 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class will focus on U.S. History from Colonialism to Reconstruction. The course examines major ideas, eras, themes, developments, turning points, chronology, and cause/effect relationships in the United States. How to contact me CLASS MATERIALS (425) 413-5524 Required: Optional: ☐ 1 spiral notebook (college-ruled composition book OK) ☐ One pair of earbuds or headphones ☐ Multiple pencils w/ erasers ☐ Post-It notes ☐ Multiple ball-point pens ☐ Glue stick ☐ Colored pencils ☐ Highlighter Classroom EXPECTATIONS Grades Be: Here Excellent Accepting Respectful Safe Sit Up Listen Ask Questions Nod your Head Track the teacher Best Chance of Success 80% 20% Assessments Daily Work Late / Incomplete Work Absent? “Daily Work” gives you practice and help you to learn the material. Assessments show your learning and growth in: Content Comprehension Reading Skills Writing Skills My expectation is that ALL assignments be completed and turned in on time. Daily work (Warm Ups and Assignments) kept in your History Notebook will be due at the beginning of the next class. They can be turned in no later than the final day of each Unit. Printer and Internet issues are not an excuse for late work. Missed Assessments need to be made up as soon as possible. It is really important to attend class each day. Absences can negatively affect your grade in this class.. It is the student’s responsibility to check the class website to find and complete any assignments missed. If assistance is needed, please contact me asap. Cell Phones must be turned off or on silent and in your backpack during class.