Own your restaurant Group Project
Step 1 - Form your group Form a group of maximum 3 persons
Step 2 – Restaurant selection Randomly pick one of these following restaurants. (You are not allowed to use the same restaurant as other group). Chinese Mexican Fast Food Canadian Italian Sea-Food
Step 3 – Menu publication Microsoft office publisher Using Microsoft office publisher create your own restaurant menu. It must include your restaurants name. Inside your menu you must include Appetizers or Entrées, Side orders, Hot Beverages, main course, Soups and Dessert. Also your restaurant must create a special plate which is the Chef specialty! You will have to print out 6 copies. Remember, customers will come in your restaurant to eat. Step 3, the menu is worth 50.
Step 4 – Hire your Staff As part of being the owner of a restaurant you must hire two employees. The only way to hire these two persons is by preparing in a Microsoft office word document 8 interview questions. These questions will help you decide if you will hire them. Print a copy of your questions. Also save a copy in ¨anglais travaux¨ Step 4 is worth 20.
Step 5 - Interviews With the Audacity program you must record your 2 interviews with your new employees. Play the role as the employee and candidat. Once completed you must place the interviews in the folder ¨ anglais travaux¨ Step 5 is worth 40.
Step 6 – Radio ad Now you have your own menu and you are fully staffed. Its now time to create an ad that will advertise your restaurant. Again with Audacity, create a 45 seconds ad that will encourage customers to come in and eat in your great restaurant. Once completed save a copy into ¨anglais travaux¨ Step 6 is worth 50.
Step 7- Youre in business Finally, get ready to serve your customers! Two other groups will play the role of customers. They will walk in your restaurant, make sure to treat them as very important people. Make sure to serve every English clients with respect. (remember they only speak english) Step 7 is worth 80.
Serving the costumers
Step 8 - Evaluation Its now time to evaluate your classmates.
Evaluation Sheet (one sheet per group)
Notes You have one week to complete steps (End date January 25th) You have one week to complete steps 4-5. (End date February 1st) You have one week to complete steps 6. (End date February 8th) On the last week you will be hosting, receiving and eating in the restaurants.