Trailer 12 Class Procedures


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Presentation transcript:

Trailer 12 Class Procedures Language Arts 8th Grade Mr. Wilder 2018-2019 How to contact me Course goals Our course goals are aligned with the Henry County Graduate Learner Outcomes and Henry County Teaching and Learning Standards. I will read closely to analyze and evaluate all forms of text. I will construct task-appropriate writing for diverse purposes and audiences. I will design and implement concise and sustained research tasks focused by questions and understanding of rigorous and relevant topics. I will collaborate and communicate effectively to participate in diverse discussions, share information and reasoning, or provide supporting evidence to convey and/or respond to close and distinct perspectives. I will employ the conventions of language including word choice, effectively in written or spoken word. 770-288-2108 Grades Trailer 12 Class Procedures 80% Assessments 20% Midterms and Finals We will follow Ola Middle School’s Behavior Expectations and procedures for discipline. In addition to these expectations, please do the following: Always arrive on time. Always arrive prepared. 3. Complete your work on time. 4. Pay attention and raise your hand to speak. 5. Give all work your best effort. 6. Have a positive attitude. Students and parents can monitor grades by checking Infinite Campus regularly. Most assignments will be posted on Google Classroom. Most quizzes and tests will be taken on Illuminate. 60% 20% Vocabulary Students will be responsible for learning five content related vocabulary words each week. These will be distributed on Mondays and will be included on Friday quizzes. These words and definitions will be posted to my teacher website.

@OlaELA Late / Incomplete Work Absentee Policy 2016-2017 Reading My expectation is that all assignments be completed to a level of proficiency (70% or higher) and turned in on time. Late work will be accepted; however, five points will be deducted for each day the assignment is late. 2016-2017 It is the student’s responsibility to check Google Classroom and the Notebook Table of Contents Bulletin Board to see any missing work. A student has three days to turn in any work assigned on a day a student was absent. If a quiz was administered on a day a student was absent, the quiz must be made up on the first day the student returns. If previously assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is due on the first day the student returns. Reading Students are expected to read EVERY NIGHT for TWENTY (20) minutes to improve their Lexile Level. Students will also read their independent novel for 10 minutes each day in ELA class as part of Reading Workshop. Technology We will periodically use technology in the classroom and each student will receive a county-issued Chromebook in August. Students may only use their devices as appointed by the teacher and are responsible for charging and bringing their Chromebook to class every day. Students are expected to follow all county guidelines regarding appropriate use of technology. Students are not allowed to have phones in school or use them on school grounds. They are to be put in lockers and kept there throughout the day. Phones will be confiscated if seen and parents can pick them up from the front office. This is school policy. . Remind 101 Google Classroom CLASS MATERIALS I will use Remind 101 as a tool to notify parents and remind students of upcoming deadlines and other information. You can receive these notifications by texting the code below to 81010. @OlaELA Google Classroom is used almost daily. Codes will be given out soon. For parents, it is more effective to use you students log in to check work. The parent view does not show information about upcoming assignments or missing work. Required: ☐ 5 Subject Notebook ☐ Loose leaf notebook paper ☐ Blue or black ink pens and pencils ☐ Tape ☐ Pocket Folder I, ________________________________________, have read and understand the rules and expectations for Language Arts. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact my teacher if I have any questions or concerns Student signature ________________________________ Parent signature ____________________________________