The French Revolution The Big Ideas
The Estate System For centuries, the quality of life in Europe had been determined by the status that one held. This status could not be attained, but was instead determined by the family to which someone was born. If you were born to a poor family, your life would be one of poverty. No matter how hard an individual worked, it was impossible to rise above this fate.
Question One The French Estate System should remind you of another rigid social structure. Name it?
The Haves vs. Have-nots The wealthy enjoyed a life of ease, comfort, and recreation. Day after day, they pursued the pleasures of European society, while 97% of Europe’s people struggled just to survive. This gap between the wealthy and the poor created resentment. Those at the bottom saw the wealthy grow increasingly richer, while they got nothing.
Question Two In America, rebellion and revolutionary ideas began within the well-educated upper-class. Why is France’s revolution different than America’s?
The First Estate French society was divided into three separate castes known as estates. The first estate was made up of priests, and religious leaders. Those belonging to this estate occupied the highest level in French society. Those who belonged to this estate also received a tithing, or tax of 10% of all the earnings of those who lived on their land. This tithing was supposed to be utilized to run the church. However, it was often used to fund the extravagant lifestyles of those who belonged to the first estate.
Question Three How did the Age of Exploration contribute to the wealth of France’s First Estate?
The Second Estate The second estate of French society was made up of the nobility. These nobles lived on manors which they had inherited. The second estate consisted of about 2% of the total population, and owned about 25% of the total land in France. These nobles collected dues and rent from the peasants who lived on their lands. This endless source of income allowed them to live a lavish lifestyle.
Question Four How did the Feudalistic and Manorial systems lead to a very wealthy Second Estate?
The Third Estate By far the largest social group in France was the third estate, making up nearly 97% of the population. Members of this estate had few rights, and little political power. Life was difficult, and it was nearly impossible for them to get ahead. Members of the third estate were required to pay a 10% tithing to the Church, dues to their feudal lord, and a land tax to the king. This left them with little to support their families.
Question Five Imagine you were a member of France’s Third Estate. How would you have felt if you could not feed your children? What would you have done?