Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Subcommittee 4 Bob DeLisi Chair 2018 May 04
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Motions SC4 seeks approval from the Main Committee for membership, duties and scope as documented on next 3 slides
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Membership of Subcommittee Name Role in SC Affiliation Antola, Mike Member Honeywell Case, David Vice Chair Cisco Systems Chen, Zhong ETS-Lindgren DeLisi, Bob Chair UL LLC Dickten, Thomas GC Consulting Elliott, William (Mac) TÜV SÜD America, Inc. Hodes, Harry Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. Hoolihan, Dan Hoolihan EMC Consulting Howard, Mike Iron Eagle Technologies Jones, Steve FCC Laboratory Kiemel, Greg Element Materials Technology Klinger, Jeff Compatible Electronics Mendoza, Ernesto Philips Lighting Electronics NA Moongilan, Dheena Nokia Bell Labs Nixon, Jason Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Pino, Dan PCTEST Engineering Laboratory Schaefer, Werner Schaefer Associates Sigouin, Dan DHS-EMC Waitt, David Consultant Wall, Art Radio Regulatory Consultants Ward, Dennis Kramer, Doug ETS-Lingren Friden, Jonas Ericcson AB Skoglund, Kenth Total members - 23
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Duties of Subcommittee 4 C63.10 - American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices C63.26 - American National Standard of procedures for compliance testing of transmitters used in licensed radio services C63.29 - American National Standard of procedures for compliance testing of lighting products C63.30 - American National Standard of procedures for compliance testing of Wireless Power Transfer products C63.31 - American National Standard for compliance testing of Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Equipment
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Scope of Subcommittee 4 Subcommittee 4 is responsible for writing and maintaining existing and proposed C63® standards for wireless and ISM devices (e.g. lighting, wireless power transfer, Industrial and dielectric heaters, and similar equipment), as assigned by the Main Committee ASC-C63®.
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC C63.10 Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices 24 Attendees and 10 Guests The WG reviewed all technical comments received on the latest draft. The group also discussed the use of duty cycle correction of protocol limited devices related to spurious emissions. It was noted that the spurious emissions need to be directly related to the time domain profile of the fundamental and the emission must be in a restricted band. Other signals cannot use the same measurement technique. The group briefly discussed what to do about test sites above 18GHz. This is still outstanding but it is noted especially with testing required well above 40GHz that we start to look at such requirements. The discussion also included if the site is the issue or if we need to focus on items such as test equipment and fixturing, etc. This will need to be discussed further and determine where the work belongs since it impacts C63.10, C63.26 and C63.31. Next draft will be ready by beginning of August. It will be sent to SC4 for vote to gain approval from SC4 to send to the main committee to form a balloting group and for main committee to approve.
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC C63.26 Procedures for compliance testing of transmitters used in licensed radio services Topics of discussion at the WG included : the use of C63.26 in general. C63.26 has recently been incorporated by rule in the FCC rules and ISED only recognizes C63.26 in RSS standards for licensed devices. The use of the standard is increasing on the FCC side and as noted can only be used for Canada certifications. :Test reduction possibilities – the group discussed the possibility to look at technologies that are well know and look at potential ways of providing guidance to users on how to reduce test modes or configurations. This discussion is ongoing and will also tie in C63.10 for the same issues. :Added in the scope of the document Vehicular Radar in the 76-81GHz band. A new task group was formed to address testing for these devices. Work that has been progressing and soon to be included in the draft – mmWave (expected by June), Radiated Emissions (completed), Signal boosters (completed), MIMO (completed) Proposed schedule - Will finalize and incorporate new procedures and revised text into standard for WG review by Nov 2018 face-to-face, with intent to submit for SC review in late 2018 or early 2019
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC C63.29 Procedures for compliance testing of lighting product Working group continued edits of the draft standard. The Working Group continued edits of the draft standard. The Working Group Chair gave an overview of LiFi and how it operates. The Working Group will be reviewing the operation and determine what parts of the system will be included in the scope of C63.29. Schedule: goal is to have a draft to SC4 by next face-to-face meeting.
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC C63.30 Procedures for compliance testing of Wireless Power Transfer products Overview of TX loop progress that will be used for comparing small loop (60cm) to Large Loop Antenna System. For measurements below 9MHz the 30cm loop will be used and above 9MHz the 10 cm loop will be used. This will remove any major resonance issues seen with the 30cm loop above 9 MHz. Group discussed interpolation methods used the differences between FCC (McNulty) paper, CISPR method and proposed C63.30 methods. This is still under discussion on what is to be use what designates the near/field boundary. Review of new a Annex introduced on how to apply correction factor when using the CISPR circle boundary versus periphery of the equipment under test. Testing of the small loop (60cm) compared to the LLAS will start once TX loop work is completed which is targeted to be completed with in a couple of months. Goal is publication in 2019
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC C63.31 Compliance testing of Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Equipment WG started a very detailed reviews and discussion of measurements of ISM equipment at locations other than a standard or alternative test site (on-site and/or in-situ). This discussion will be ongoing in the subsequent WG conference calls which will include creation of a flow chart for what needs to be considered at different test locations depending on where the device under test will be tested. A discussion on adding Wireless Power Transfer for above 22kW was discussed but this will be held until the next edition. This group is also dependent on the work being performed in C63.30 with regards to test sites below 30MHz. Schedule – draft to SC4 by mid-2019 and publication in 2020.