Harms of Secondhand Smoking Project ABCD Green Group Ms. Yu
Secondhand Smoking Affects Everyone Smoking cigarettes does not just affect the smoker, but also the people surrounded by them. Most of the people that are affected are medically hurt by it. They hurt their friends, families, children, and etc.
How it Affects Children Children have a greater risks of getting: Asthma Colds Bronchitis Pneumonia Lung Diseases
How it Affects Pregnant Women Pregnant people affected by secondhand smoking have higher risks of: Miscarriages Stillbirths Higher risk of having a low birth weight Lower chance of lung function
More Facts About Secondhand Smoking Secondhand smoke has 4,000 harmful chemicals that are toxic There are 50,000 deaths in adult nonsmokers in the US each year Nonsmoking women who live with a smoker have 91% greater risk of heart disease They also have 20% higher risk of dying from lung cancer & heart disease
Smoking Cigarettes is an Unfair Habit People who smoke cigarettes regularly is not just harming their own health, but also the people that surround them. The smoke from the cigarette is filled with toxic chemicals that harm nonsmoking people. This is an unfair and disgusting habit that hurts everyone!
Project ABCD Green Group Ms. Yu Fin ;) Project ABCD Green Group Ms. Yu