8 April 2011 Franz Lamplmair, Adviser, Dir. A DG MARE FISHERIES The CFP & the Reform 2012 8 April 2011 Franz Lamplmair, Adviser, Dir. A DG MARE E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h
[results:] Consultation Green Paper April 2009 - 1700 contributions - Synthesis report SEC(2010)428 (April 2010) Thematic workshops organised by COM Debates in institutions (Council, EP Hearings…) Seminars, workshops, discussions and conferences Meetings on discards 1 March – 3 May High level meeting NL 8-9 March E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 2 2
Green paper – Analysis long term plans [Les défis:] Green paper – Analysis long term plans Fleet control, reform of subsidies (Axis IV) RAC’s BUT: “…the objectives agreed in 2002… have not been met overall” “viability of fisheries (ecological, économic, social) not guaranteed” E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 3 3
…and in particular: Landings -30% (1996 - 2006) [Les défis:] …and in particular: Landings -30% (1996 - 2006) Only 22% of stocks at MSY (out of 93) 35% overexploited, 43% outside safe biological limits Reduction of medium size for over 20 ans Reduction of production units Job loss: - 31% since 2002 E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 4 4
The figure here shows that over-fishing and diminishing stocks has lead to declining catches in the last decade. As you can see in the 50s and 60s catches where expanded by fishing more stocks and by introduction of more effective fishing technologies. However, after all stocks were fully exploited in the 70s technological development has continued and we have now had several years of overexploitation leading to diminishing stocks, diminishing productivity and diminishing catches. Again using the example of North Sea cod, in the 1980s we had total quotas in the order of 200-300,000 tonnes and cod was the economical bread and butter of many North Sea communities. Now we are discussing quotas which are one tenth of this and cod is taken only as a by-catch in other fisheries. Fisheries
5 structural problems (GP) [Les défis:] 5 structural problems (GP) Overcapacity imprecise objectives, insufficient guidance for decisions Decision-making favours short-term Insufficient responsibility to industry Poor compliance, lack of political will E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 6 6
Governance Improve decision making [results:] Governance Improve decision making Simplified, decentralised and long-term based Stop micro-management: only rinciples at EU level, details at regional / national level, or by mandate (COM) Ensure level playing field, Treaty compatibility Involve industry (self-, co-management, results-based management Industry to show that it acts responsibly in exchange of access (reverse burden of proof) Already good examples, PO’s… E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 7 7
New challenges… economic, budgetary crisis MSFD and IMP [Les défis:] New challenges… economic, budgetary crisis MSFD and IMP Lisbon Treaty – codecision Markets – Consumers External economic and environnemental pressures – fuel, climate change Continue ‘statu quo’ not an option! E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 8 8
Conservation Reduce overcapacity – individual shares Continue & extend Long Term Plans Eliminate discards Coherence of objectives: MSY by 2015/2020, ecosystem approach, integrate policies (MSFD…) Scientific advice, research, data collection E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 9 9
Environmental dimension Coherence with other EU policies is a Treaty obligation Basic objective – ecosystem approach Marine Strategy Framework Directive “environmental pillar of IMP”, GES by 2020 CFP contributes with relevant instruments to MS’ obligations under environmental legislation (protection of marine habitats “Natura 2000”, “Birds” – directive, water framework directive) Protection of sensitive habitats and (by-catch) species (cetaceans, shark-finning) Fisheries
Trade and markets External Dimension CMO “fundamental pillar of CFP”, needs extensive revision and simplification consistency with CFP, strengthen role of POs – involve in management, access to resources, control Labelling, certification and traceability External Dimension intrinsic part of CFP, bilateral and multilateral approach Level playing field – e.g. MED, imports ! E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 11 11
Aquaculture Important supplier, strategic importance [results:] Aquaculture Important supplier, strategic importance Call for common approach : - Common Market - competitiveness - common standards / level playing field - streamline / simplify framework for establishment… Link to Maritime Policy (Spatial Planning) Freshwater aquaculture E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 12 12
Subsidies Part of the problem Difficult budgetary situation [results:] Subsidies Part of the problem Difficult budgetary situation Strict conditionality, orient towards CFP objectives Coherence between funds, EU 2020 (smart, sustainable, inclusive growth, resource efficiency) Priorities: innovation / research / resource protection / coastal development / aquaculture / transition, governance… E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 13 13
Reform « package » Basic regulation Common Market Organisation [results:] Reform « package » Basic regulation Common Market Organisation Overarching Communication External Dimension Report on certain rules in current legislation Fisheries Fund timing: - adoption by COM before summer (except EFF) - adoption by EP / Council before 2013 E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 14 14
THANK YOU FISHERIES Date (mm/dd/yy) Fisheries Slide 15 E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Date (mm/dd/yy) Fisheries Slide 15
Main challenges for reform: FISHERIES Main challenges for reform: Regionalisation + industry involvement Subsidies + sustainability Overcapacity reduction - ITR’s? Ecosystem approach + integration in “ocean policy” CMO - Labelling, certification and traceability Aquaculture - strategic dimension, MSP External Dimension - multilateral - bilateral E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 16 16
Legal base & objectives TFEU, Art. 3: exclusive competence for CFP (conservation) TFEU Art. 4: shared competence for CFP (excluding conservation) TFEU Art. 38-40: Objectives of CAP/CFP are to - increase productivity, optimal use of production factors - ensure fair standard of living of people engaged in sector - stabilise markets - assure supplies - ensure supplies reach consumers at reasonable prices. and… TFEU Art. 43: ordinary legislative procedure (except fixing and allocation of fishing opportunities) Fisheries