Ideas and Activities to Differentiate Instruction through Practice and Application
Lesson Targets Content Targets: I will be able to identify a variety of ways for students to enhance their learning through hands-on practice. I will be able to identify activities that extend the learning in new ways and relate to language or content objectives. Language Targets: I will be able to design activities that integrate different language skills as students practice new content knowledge. I will be able to discuss the importance of linking practice and application activities to specific lesson objectives.
Practice and Application It is essential that students acquiring English have multiple, daily opportunities to practice and apply what they are learning for two reasons: 1. students are more likely to retain new information if they immediately put it to use 2. teachers can assess students’ learning while they are practicing and applying their new understandings.
Practice and Application These opportunities for practicing and applying new learning must occur regularly within each lesson, not just at its conclusion
Practice and Application Up to this point in your lesson planning you have introduced content and language objectives, built background, activated prior knowledge, introduced key vocabulary, selected a learning strategy and higher order thinking questions for students to focus on, developed a scaffolding approach for teaching new information, and planned student interaction. Now you have to let them practice and apply what you have taught
SIOP 20: Hands-on materials and/or manipulatives provided for students to practice using new content knowledge
Hands on and Meaningful Practice When learning to ride a bicycle, play the piano, or write a research report, students have a greater chance of mastering content concepts and skills when they are given multiple opportunities to practice in relevant meaningful ways. When this practice includes “hands on” experiences like using manipulatives, practice sessions are enhanced.
Madeline Hunter suggests using guided practice (the teacher leading the student through practice sessions prior to student independent practices. She suggests keeping four questions in mind as we plan lessons involving hands-on practice for students.
How much material should be practiced at one time? A short meaningful amount. Always use meaning to divide your content into parts.
How long should a practice period be? A short time so the student exerts intense effort and has intent to learn
How often should students practice? New learning, massed practice. (several practice periods scheduled close together) Older learning, distributed practice. (spacing practice periods farther and farther apart , such as when we review previously learned material).
How will students know how well they have done? Give specific knowledge of results (i.e, specific feedback).
A few ideas for activities
Activities for Practice and Application Bingo BYO Jeopardy Poetry and Patterns – Math Haikus Graphic Organizers Piece o Pizza – Jigsaw projects Virginia Reel Numbered Heads Together Vocabulary Go Fish
SIOP 21: Activities Provided for Students to Apply Content and Language Knowledge The difference between knowing how something should be done and being able to do it is the quantum leap in learning…new learning is like wet cement, it can be easily damaged. A mistake at the beginning of learning can have long-lasting consequences that are hard to eradicate (Hunter)
SIOP 21: Activities Integrate All Language Skills Reading Writing Listening Speaking
Some content teachers at the secondary level believe that reading and writing activities belong in the English and language arts domain, and that scientist, mathematicians, historians, musicians and artists, their subject area must be the primary focus. Role-play with a partner how you would explain to a resistant colleague how language (reading, writing, listening and speaking) promotes and facilitates the learning of content concepts.
Ticket Out What is one activity that you have never tried for “practice and application” that you plan to bring to your classroom in the next week?