Today’s Objective SWBAT: Identify character traits and motivation in a script. Character Traits and Motivation Materials: Journals, Sticky Notes, Akeelah CD, Online Video, Online Character Motivation Tool HO: Character Motivation Quiz, Character Traits List, Examples of Motivation, Akeelah and the Bee scene B Activator: Review the meaning of characterization Show the “Inside of the Mind” bonus feature from Akeelah to show students how a director/writer works with an actor to reveal character Discuss as a class Introduce and discuss motivation show video Your character desperately wants to defeat his enemy. Your character badly wants to win a contest. Your character badly wants to be in control. Your character's greatest desire is to be noticed by a significant other. Your character wants to stop criminals. Your character is trying to win a game. Your character wants to eliminate corruption. Your character's biggest wish is to be attractive. Your character desperately wants to protect her home. Administer the Character Motivation Quiz Show the first part of Scene 10/”Javier’s Birthday Party” (…up to Akeelah going with Javier) then ask the guiding questions below What did they learn about Georgia changing her mind to about going to the party? (insecure in a new , different setting) How did the filmmakers help you to know this? Ask them what is Georgia’s motivation for staying in the car? Why did she do what she did? (to feel comfortable) Explain that the reason she acted that way is her motivation Distribute character traits list, examples of motivation, and the Akeelah and the Bee scene B handouts Prompt students to read the scene B and make a list of character traits and examples of motivation (have sticky notes available to help students annotate text as needed)
Characterization Review You will now observe how the writer/director works with an actor to reveal character. Bonus Feature: “Inside the Mind of Akeelah”
Introduction to Motivation Motivation: The character’s reason to act a certain way Questions to Consider: What makes them do what they do? (backstory/exposition) What is the character’s end game?
Introduction to Motivation Generate a list in your journals of things that might motivate a character. Examples of Motivation Video: definition-examples.html Character Motivation Generator acter-motivation.htm
Introduction to Motivation Backstory/Exposition Examples of things to consider when trying to determine character motivation… Where was character raised? What character rich or poor? Does the character have a job? Does character treat people well? Is the character mean? Does the character have friends? Is the character artistic? Is the character intelligent? Is the character aware of his purpose in life?
Motivation You will now observe how the writer/director works with an actor to reveal character. Scene: “Javier’s Birthday Party”
Class Discussion: Motivation What did you learn by Georgia’s changing her mind about going to the party? How did the filmakers help you know this? What is Georgia’s motivation for staying in the car?/Why did she do what she did? Play scene up to Akeelah going with Javier
Making Connections: Conflict When the motivation of characters are at odds, that is when there is character vs. character conflict.
Developing Character Online Tools Character Personality Generator personality.htm Character Quirk Generator Character Flaws and Weaknesses Generator Character Interests Generator Character Question Generator question.htm