Apprentices & digital for Durham Hi, i’m Helen representing RAW Digital Training and i’m here to give you a short overview of a fantastic new programme being ran around County Durham that could benefit your business
Digital Marketing & Social Media As you all know, the use of digital in the world has exploded, and as businesses it opens up huge opportunities for us. Whether we’re looking to have fresh new content to share on our website, to connect with new people over social media, or to nurture existing customers with LinkedIn or Email marketing. For some businesses digital has opened up the door to make it easier reach new target sectors in the UK or overseas. With such rapid change happening around us, there are many businesses knowing they want to get better at their use of digital, but they don’t have the time to dedicate to it or sometimes don’t have the budget to fund it effectively.
63 Billion The Parliamentary Science, and Technology Committee report on digital skills last year showed that the UK is missing out on £63 billion per year in lost GDP because of a lack of digital skills. On top of this 3 in 4 businesses this year reported a digital skills gap in their existing workforce.
Digital Skills Durham Initiative We work commercially with businesses all around the North East and the Uk in every sector, so we know here on the ground the increasing need of digital skills. That’s why we are so excited that we are now delivering our award winning programme for young people here in County Durham.
Digital Skills Course Digital Marketing Fundamentals Social Media for Business Facebook for Business Twitter for Business Online visual design LinkedIn for Business How businesses get websites Content creation for digital marketing Hootsuite and preloading social media marketing Online cv design We have two courses that young unemployed people in this region will attend, the first covers all the above and will equip a young person with a huge range of skills to take to a workplace. It’s a short course.
Advanced Facebook Advanced Twitter Advanced LinkedIn Advanced Email Marketing Content Planning Hootsuite WordPress Website Creation - build your own website The second is an advanced course which includes the above and also wed editing and design in wordpress. People will have been on the earlier course before attending this.
How can your business benefit? Some of our young people are either work ready and are in need of a work experience placement to boost their cv and carry out their new skills, this can be anything from a few days a week upto four weeks full time. If you can host a young person at your company, and have work for them to do, this can be a fab mutually beneficial thing to do. Zero cost to the business
If you are looking for an apprentice in anything from digital marketing to admin - we have hungry candidates ready to apply. If you may be looking in the future then give us a shout, we have a wide range of apprentice organisations we can recommend depending on yout needs.
We also have many candidates who have a lot of work experience and college qualifications who are looking for entry level roles in all kinds of sectors.
£3000 Grant SME’s taking on a young person from our Durham Works programme are eligible for a £3000 grant towards the costs of employment. This also applies to apprenticeships.
Interested in exporting? You could be entitled to even further digital support for your company or on the job training for your new employees. It really is a great time to be a Durham business. Contact