Scope: “See the Person” Job Analysis Survey Update and Results for Phase 1
Background The implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will change the way that service providers interact with their clients. Scope (Vic) as a major service provider seeks to be at the forefront of these changes Need to ensure that future employees are suitable for employment in this new commercial and service delivery environment. Current framework for recruitment, selection and induction is costly and inefficient – especially in relation to sourcing critical front line carer roles.
Aims This project aims to implement a low-cost and fit-for-purpose recruitment model that provides valid selection information to assist Scope to induct and train future support workers.
Overview of Phase 1 Aim - conduct job analysis of current high-performing model Determine the discriminant validity of cognitive assessments (verbal/numeric/abstract reasoning) which means testing the existing high-performers to determine the extent to which low-cost screening tools can streamline future recruitment processes. Conduct a job analysis survey for “current” state to provide a baseline for comparison. This approach provides the data required to guide the change management process to the future state. By completing this step, Scope will be in a superior position to use data to manage workforce risks and save money by targeting the right values and behaviours earlier in the selection process. This also allows the organisation to build an accurate picture of how well assessments predict important outcomes such as: 1. Success in training; 2. Performance in role; 3. Longevity in role; and 4. False positives (poor hires). Deliverable(s): 1. Current high-performance model (cognitive and behavioural); and 2. Baseline data.
Overview of Phase 2 Aim - conduct job analysis survey – future fit Clarify future job profiles required for the DSW role - taking into account any new capabilities and changes to knowledge, skills, attitudes required under the existing and new service delivery model. We believe we can quickly build these profiles using our best practice ‘profile match’ on line tool seeking feedback from position experts and other key stakeholders. Deliverable(s): Identification of key domains of expected high-performer group based on job expert input (what re the success factors?).
Phase 1 Results 35 Responses as of 5th of October 46 people signed up, completion rate of 76%. Results have been analysed by investigating the top 10 key competencies that were found from each survey.
Results – Top 10 Competencies Identified by all surveys 35 Participants
Results – Top 10 Competencies Identified by the Customer 5 Participants
Results – Top 10 Competencies Identified by the Project Team 9 Participants
Next Steps Aim - assist with the design of interview/role play schedule Best practice selection requires multiple sources of data to improve the validity of hiring predictions. Group assessments that involve Scope’s experienced technical experts and consumers of the service provides an excellent opportunity to get this right, and to validate the output from the lower-cost cognitive assessment testing (step 1, above). Deliverable(s): Map of key performance domains and scoring sheet to facilitate multiple sources of evidence; Individual report (cognitive ability/profile) to inform interview with Scope hiring manager/recruiter and service consumer; Design of written case-study as a lead-up activity and assessment of written ability – also serves to “prime” and prepare the applicant for the role-play activity; and Creation of observer checklist to facilitate the “scoring” of the role-play activity.