WEATHERING Process that involves the physical or chemical breakdown of the materials on the Earth surface 2 types of weathering -mechanical -chemical
Mechanical Occurs when a physical change takes place (Physical change is when the shape of something changes NOT the composition) Breakdown into smaller pieces From collisions, water, falling, animals and plant activity, frost wedging
Chemical Occurs when chemical composition (chemicals its made of) of material changes - Caused by chemical reactions between water, oxygen, or naturally occurring acids
Chemical and Mechanical assignment -Read the 2 paragraphs about frost wedging and biological activity. P. 847 -Read the 2 paragraphs about oxygen (O2) and water (H2O). P. 848 -Write those 4 words in your notes and define them and how they cause weathering and what type of weathering Example: Frost wedging- 1) what it is (definition 2) how it causes weathering 3) what type of weathering GET STAMPED TODAY