The Passive
The Passive Be + Past Participle The verb should be transitive. To form the passive, add the various tenses of the auxiliary (be) to the main verb in the past participle. The participle remains the same. Be + Past Participle The verb should be transitive.
The passive Forms of Modals & Phrasal Modals Active Passive Present & Future Modal + the simple form of the verb She can do this. Modal+ be+ past participle This can be done by her. Past Modal + have + past participle She should have sent the letter last week. Modal+ have been+ past participle The letter should have been sent last week.
Non-Progressive Passive Be + Past participle When the passive form is used to describe an existing situation or state. i.e. to function as an adjective
The Passive with Get Get may be followed by certain adjectives or a past participle that functions as an adjective.
Participial Adjectives Present Participle (Active Meaning) Past Participle (Passive Meaning) It is a confusing problem. They are confused students. (the problem confuses the student) (the students are confused by the problem) Ahmad is boring. Ahmad is bored. (he causes others to be bored) (others cause him to get bored)