Welcome to Allied Health/Clinical Care Academy Kathleen Felezzola kfelezzola@ucvts.tec.nj.us 908-889-8288 ext 814
Classroom Supplies Clean White Lab Coat Closed Toe Shoes Stethoscope (Juniors and Seniors) Sphygmomanometer (Juniors and Seniors) Covered Textbook Watch with second hand Notebook, Paper, Blue or Black Pen
Classroom Procedures Phones on desk in front of student, screen down Lab coats on Do now, homework on front board
Homework/Grading Policies Class Participation 2 points per day Extra points: extraordinary participation extraordinary leadership “going above and beyond” Lose points: no lab coat, closed toe shoes, etc. (1 point per class) unauthorized cell phone use (1 point per incident) non participation inappropriate behavior
Homework In my class: Homework is meant to enhance learning NOT replace teaching reading in preparation questions in preparation for or in reinforcement of class lesson skills practice study materials (ie flashcards) In most cases, homework is graded based upon effort ie 100 medical terminology questions completed = 100% grade 25 questions completed = 25% grade No late homework is accepted All homework is posted in Google Classroom If absent, students will have one class period for each class period missed to make up work If students are leaving for sports, it is expected that they will stop to see me before the next class period so all work is completed in a timely fashion. For projects: 10 points deducted per day (not class period) for each day late
Allied Health III Clinical and Administrative Skills Shadowing Experience: Matheny Medical and Educational Center End of Course Assessment: NOCTI
Grading Course Grading Rubric: Marking Period Grades will be calculated as follows: · Participation 10% · Quizzes* 30% · Tests 20% · Homework/Classwork: 20% · Projects: 20% *Any skills tested in the classroom will represent a quiz grade. Due to the obvious importance of hands on skills in the health field, I apply more weight to quiz grades than test grades. Available grades will usually be updated in Powerschool each weekend and will therefore be available by Monday of the following week. As you know, life gets crazy and I may not be able to update grades until Monday. Please excuse the occasional delay.
Emergency and Clinical Care Welcome to our New Clinical Care Academy! Clinical Skills AHA CPR for Professional Rescuer Certification AHA Lifesaver’s First Aid Certification Clinical Experience: Trinitas Long Term Care Facility (Late Fall and Early Spring dates to be determined)
Grading for Emergency and Clinical Care Course Grading Rubric: Marking Period Grades will be calculated as follows: · Participation 10% · Quizzes* 30% · Tests 20% · Homework/Classwork: 20% · Projects: 20% *Any skills tested in the classroom will represent a quiz grade. Due to the obvious importance of hands on skills in the health field, I apply more weight to quiz grades than test grades.
Medical Terminology Homework Daily Study “Word Wall” Rutgers Exam administered in February--3 Rutgers Credits
Grading for Medical Terminology Marking Period Grade Requirements Weight Homework Assignments 20% Attendance/Participation/Group Discussion 15% Projects 25% Quizzes Unit Tests Total 100%
Rutgers Grade for Medical Terminology 75 % Rutgers SHRP standardized exam grade plus 25 % High School Course Final Grade Successful completion of the Rutgers Final Examination will make student eligible for 3 advanced standing credits upon high school graduation. Credits are transferrable at discretion of receiving college/university
Clinical Care II Clinical Assessment and safety skills Utilizing assessments to plan and evaluate patient care Emphasis on decision making Nutrition Rutgers Examination for Scientific Principles of Nutrition in February 2016--3 college credits
Grading for Clinical Care II Course Grading Rubric: Marking Period Grades will be calculated as follows: · Participation 10% · Quizzes* 30% · Tests 20% · Homework/Classwork: 20% · Projects: 20% *Any skills tested in the classroom will represent a quiz grade. Due to the obvious importance of hands on skills in the health field, I apply more weight to quiz grades than test grades.
Rutgers Grade for SPON Final Examination Grade will be equal to final grade on Rutgers transcript.
HOSA HOSA: Future Healthcare Professionals As a part of their vocational curriculum, students will become members of Health Occupation Students of America. “HOSA is a student organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in health care and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people.” Please refer to www.HOSA.org for any further information. · Students will be asked to participate in fundraisers for this organization. · Monies raised will be used for senior scholarships, club activities and some money will be raised for charitable causes, such as breast cancer or autism research. · Students will be invited to participate in leadership conferences and health occupation competitive events throughout the year. These events usually carry a registration fee of about $30.00.-$35.00 If your student is interested in participating in these events and you have financial concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
HOSA Competition · Beginning this year, students and the HOSA chapter will need to fund some portion of any trip to the HOSA National competition. It is important that students realize that we will be working toward reducing personal cost to the students for these competitions. This will be a community effort and I welcome any suggestions and assistance to lighten the financial burden for our students who have worked so hard to earn a spot on the National Team. (Students earn a spot through successful participation at the regional and state level.—Much more information will be forthcoming.) · Students will be required to submit local, state and national HOSA dues by October 1, 2015 Please advise me if you are unable to pay this fee due to financial concerns. · In order to participate in any HOSA event, students must return the HOSA medical forms as well as the HOSA Code of conduct forms prior to October 1, 2015