Burns/Dudley/Marrero Nov 26-30, 2018 ELA: Dudley/Burns Homeroom: We will continue the novel, Code Talker. Students have been given the vocabulary for the book. Please begin studying the vocabulary for the test. Test Chapters 1-14 on FRIDAY! Marrero Homeroom: Biography Study- Louis Armstrong. Students have vocabulary to study for the test on Friday.. 2nd Nine Week Language Skills: correlative conjunctions, reference materials (print and digital), synonyms/antonyms/homophones, comma rules for introductory elements, yes/no, tag questions, and direct address Writing Focus: Informational SCHEDULE: MONDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: No Graded Papers this week THURSDAY: Unit 3 Science Assessment FRIDAY: Marrero Reading Test “Satchmo’s Blues”; Burns/Dudley Code Talker Test Chapters 1-14; KONA ICE; Spirit Day *Christmas Party letters will go home soon- ELA BIOGRAPHY PROJECTS DUE: DECEMBER 4th Math: This week we will continue learning about fractions. Students will work on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. We will also work on converting improper fractions and mixed numbers. Just a reminder that students do not have to simplify fractions in 5th grade. SCIENCE: Unit 3 Assessment will be November 29th. Study with your child each night. SS: This week we will continue to learn about WWII. We will cover several WWII issues this week including key leaders during this time period. Study guides will be sent home on Monday.