Current Permanent Fund Values 575.9 219.6 Net Assets (as of 30 June 2007) = $219.6 million Expectancies (as of 30 June 2007) = $356.3 million Expectancies have more than doubled since 30 June 2000 from $123.4 million to $356.3 million on 30 June 2007. Total of Net Assets and Expectancies (as of 30 June 2007) = $575.9 million Early in the 2006-07 Rotary year, combined assets and expectancies surpassed the $500 million mark. The next goal is $1 billion by 2025.
Major Gifts by Country 2006-07 Gifts from Number Amount United States 278 $ 8,000,000 India 65 $ 2,500,000 Taiwan 45 $ 700,000 Korea 40 $ 900,000 Japan 36 $ 600,000 Other 94 $ 4,300,000 Total 558 $ 17,000,000 Question: What may account for the larger number of major gifts coming from US donors? Possible answers: the culture of charitable giving in the US; tax incentives; role of government vs. charity in different cultures; the Permanent Fund Initiative was started in the US. USA: 47.1% of total dollar amount India: 14.7% of total dollar amount Taiwan: 4.1% of total dollar amount Korea: 5.3% of total dollar amount Japan: 3.5% of total dollar amount Other: 2% of total dollar amount Note: This report is based on donor records and includes contributions such as the sponsor portion of Matching Grant contributions that are not recognized on the financial statements as required by U.S. accounting standards. The present value of major gifts is used for this chart. Note: For the purpose of readability, gift amounts have been rounded to the nearest $100,000.
Major Gifts by Fund 2006-07 Gift to Number Amount Permanent Fund 225 $ 8,900,000 Annual Programs Fund 247 $ 4,400,000 Matching Grants 31 $ 900,000 PolioPlus 23 $ 800,000 Other 32 $ 2,000,000 Total 558 $ 17,000,000 Last year TRF received a total of 558 major gifts. Donors designated these major gifts to be used for many different purposes based on their preferences and goals. Note: The “Other” category includes donors who made a gift but asked that it be used for multiple purposes (e.g. split between PF and APF) Note: This report is based on donor records and includes contributions such as the sponsor portion of Matching Grant contributions that are not recognized on the financial statements as required by U.S. accounting standards. The present value of major gifts us used for this chart. Note: “PolioPlus” includes Major Gifts to PolioPlus and PolioPlus Partners Note: For the purpose of readability, gift amounts have been rounded to the nearest $100,000.