Chemical Engineering Program
Factors Considered When Offering BS in Chemical Eng. ABET accreditation Salaries and No. of faculty Costs of Experiments & Facilities to house them Incidental Costs: Library, computers & software No. of students program will serve Curriculum I would like to thank David Silverstein for his help. Dave is an ABET evaluator for Chemical Engineering, faculty member at UK Paducah (a BS only institution) & winner of AIChE 2016 Award for Service to Chemical Engineering Education
Reference Frame: UK Paducah 1995 KY Council of Higher Education passed resolution to create a 3rd engineering program in state. Directed 3 schools UK, Murray State & Paducah Comm. Coll. (PCC) to develop a ME & ChE program in Paducah Provide $1.1 M to purchase off the shelf ChE equipment (Armfield & BesTech) Budgeted $400K/yr for recurring expenses Directed UK to recruit students to program Present 4 ChE faculty & a facilities administrator Student body Murray State (11,000) & PCC (7500)
Why ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering & Technology)? Shows employers that students have the necessary background to do the job. Students who graduate from accredited program improve their chances of employment. Accreditation is a valuable requirement tool. Costs $10,000/review. For first review should bring in consultants to help (an extra $15-$40K) Must be accredited every six years
Faculty & Staff for BS in ChE ABET Requirements Teaching load 12 credits/yr with occasional 15 credits/yr Starting salary at BS granting institution $80K±10K Total salary at WVUTech $317K (4 faculty) Facilities manager may be shared with other programs civil/mechanical (UK Paducah manager has Ph. D in chemistry, previously engineers)
12 accredit BS only programs in ChE out of 163 programs
Unit Operations Lab (UOL) Students develop pilot plants for producing products Usually multistory open spaces, but can be single story From talking to scientists in R&D it is unclear whether ventilation & hoods are adequate for unit operations lab in renovated rehabilitation center.
Equipping UOL 6 experiments Some equipment is mandatory: Distillation column ($200K) If buy labs “off the shelf” (Armfield or BesTech) $1.0-1.2 M May bring cost down to $500K if hire a faculty member who has constructed UOL labs (MS project)
Other Costs Library: $10 K first year & 1-2K/yr thereafter Software: ChemCAD ($500/yr), but ASPEN Plus is industry standard ($2,000/yr) Computers (?)
Students To graduate in 4 yrs students must take calculus 1st semester Freshman year I advise student to take calculus if Math ACT ≥26 (How many WVSU students meet this criteria?)
Students 2+2 Program-Transfers & Student Population Students who have take PHYS 231/232, C or better and we believe transferred to an engineering program. It is not clear whether they completed the program. UK Paducah draws from ≈18,500 students & WVSU ≈3,500 students Year Number of Students 2014 1 2015 3 2016 5 2017 2018
Curriculum Too few engineering credit hours for this year Should probably remove Statics from curriculum Need to explain how courses address Engineering Statistics, Safety and Equipment Control There may be problems with other requirements if implemented as a General Engineering Degree