The Victorian Era Power Point Student Name Copy and paste images from the Victorian Era onto this slide. The Victorian Era Power Point Unit 3 Portfolio (1 point)
Statement of Academic Integrity Instructions: Read the following statement and type your name in the space provided to indicate your intent to complete the portfolio with academic integrity. Your portfolio will not receive a grade unless this slide is completely filled out. I, , do agree to the following: All written responses recorded within this portfolio template represent my own original thoughts and are expressed entirely in my own words. I will only access historically-based, academic web sites to conduct any additional research. Failure to properly cite the sources for text, images, and statistics included in this presentation will also be considered plagiarism. Signed, (1 point)
Choosing: Victorian Era Topic Below you will find two separate boxes. Please drag the “X” to the topic you have chosen as part of your presentation. Drag this below to make your selection. Victorian Era Choose One: Health School / Education Fashion Charles Dickens Economy/Jobs (1 point)
Introduction Slide: Thesis Statement Directions for this slide: Your thesis statement should catch your viewer’s attention, introduce your topic, and mention three subtopics related to that topic. (This is not where you expand on the topic and subtopics. Save those explanations for the later slides.) Please use complete sentences. Hook: Thesis about topic: Subtopic 1 - Subtopic 2 - Subtopic 3 - (3 points)
Sources List at least 3 documentaries, websites, and/or books you will use to research your topic. Write 1-2 sentences explaining why each source is reliable. Source 1: Source 2: Source 3: (3 points)
Subtopic 1 Write about your first subtopic. Include images with your information. (3 points)
Subtopic 2 Write about your second subtopic. Include images with your information. (3 points)
Subtopic 3 Write about your third subtopic. Include images with your information. (3 points)
What did you learn? What did you learn? Now that you’ve researched your chosen topic about the Victorian Era, did any of your original assumptions or viewpoints change? Explain. (2 points)
Collage Create a photo collage based on the information you gathered. (1 point)
Conclusion Using a combination of pictures and words, remind your viewer of your purpose, thesis, and subtopics. (2 points)
MLA Works Cited Page (1 point)