Literature: Wednesday, September 5, 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Literature: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 Handouts: * Coach #25, Plot: “The Night Before” Homework: * Read an AR book 20 – 30 minutes daily & record on chart * Coach #25, Plot: “The Night Before” Assignments Due: Coach #26, Conflict

Today’s Goal: Learn the elements of a plot and the order of events in a plot line (“story line”). Outcomes: State what is meant by the term “plot.” Describe what is meant by the term “plot line.” Define these terms: Exposition, setting, introducing the characters, generating circumstances, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution. Impress your parents by telling them about the French term “denouement.” 

Starter #1: Since grade school you have heard of the term “plot.” What is a “plot”? Plot: The series of events in a story. A plot focuses on a main character and how he/she responds to a conflict. Prepare to take Cornell Notes.

Starter #2: Cornell Notes on “Plot” 1. What are the elements and sub-elements of a plot? 1. Exposition Setting Characters Generating Circumstances (beginning action) Narrative Hook Rising Action Conflict Events/action (related to the conflict) Climax Falling Action Resolution [Also called the “denouement”]

Starter #2: Cornell Notes on “Plot” 2. Define each element of the plot: 1) Exposition Setting Characters Generating Circumstances 2) Narrative Hook 3) Rising Action Conflict Actions leading to the climax 4) Climax 5) Falling Action 6) Resolution [Also called “denouement”] 1) Foundational elements of the story The time and place Introduce who the story is about Situations that set up the conflict 2) Something happens to hook the reader 3) Events/actions that build suspense Problem/struggle a character faces Things that happen in the story 4) The turning point in the story and highest point of suspense 5) What happens after the climax 6) How the conflict is resolved and how the story ends

Starter #2: Cornell Notes on “Plot” 3. What is a “flashback”? 4. What is a sub-plot? 5. Be able to draw and label a plot line. Use the Cornell Notes supplement provided by Mrs. D. 3. A plot technique: The author interrupts the story to give the reader a peek into the past 4. Another series of events involving a conflict that may not relate to the main character

Starter #2: Cornell Notes on “Plot” Use this word bank: Climax Conflict Events related to the Conflict Exposition Falling Action Generating circumstances Introduce characters Narrative Hook Resolution or “Denouement” Rising Action Setting

Starter #2: Cornell Notes on “Plot”

Starter #3: Let’s see from our Coach readings if you can identify the plot-line elements in a story. . . .