Differential Amplifier amplifies the difference between two input voltages rejects the average or common mode value of the two voltages v+, v-, vo are single ended Diff-mode input: vid=v+ - v- Com-mode input: vic=(v+ + v- )/2 vo =Avcvic + Avdvid Avd: Diff voltage gain, Avc: CM voltage gain Com-mode rejection ratio: Avd/Avc
Differential Amplifier Input common-mode range (ICMR) vic range over which Avd remains the same Computed by requiring all MOST affected by vic to be in saturation Output offset voltage Vos(out) Voltage at vo when vid = 0 Input offset voltage Vos vid that is needed to make vo = 0 When we say offset, default is input offset Vos= Vos(out)/Avd, if Vos(out) is in linear range
Analysis of amplifiers DC analysis Find DC operating points, i.e., quiescent point, or Q point Finding the quiescent voltages VXXQ’s at various nodes Finding IXXQ’s through various branches Large signal static analysis Plot of output versus input (transfer curve) Large signal gain Output and input swing limits Small signal static and AC analysis DC gain A0, AC gain A(s) Input resistance/impedance, output resistance/impedance Small signal dynamic analysis Bandwidth, overshoot, settling Noise Power supply rejection Large signal dynamic analysis Slew rate Nonlinearity
Differential Input, single-ended output single stage Amplifier N-Channel vin- vin+
Large Signal Eq. in a N-channel Differential pair =0.5b1(VGS1-VT)2 =(2ID1/b1)0.5 iD1=0, when iD2=ISS and VGS2=VT+(2ISS/b)0.5
Solving for iD1 and iD2 iD1=iD2=ISS/2 VON1=VON2=(ISS/b)0.5
Output Range Vomin=Vss+Von4 Vomax=Vicm –|VT2| So what’s the vo range What’s for the N-ch circuit.
Common Mode Equivalent Circuit, with perfect match iC1=VIC/(1/gm1 +2rds5) ro1≈1/gm3 ACM≈ 1/ 2rds5gm3 iC1
SLEW RATE: the limit of the rate of change of the output voltage C’Ldvo/dt=i4-i2 ISS Max |CLdvo/dt|=ISS ISS Slew Rate = ISS/C’L ISS Output swing: Vosw GB frequency: fGB vo(t)=Voswsin(2pfGBt) Max dvo/dt =Vosw2pfGB To avoid slewing: ISS > C’L Vosw2pfGB
Parasitic Capacitances CT: common mode only CM: mirror cap = Cdg1 + Cdb1 + Cgs3 + Cgs4 + Cdb3 COUT = output cap = Cbd4 + Cbd2 + Cgd2 + CL
Cross CM disturbance After feed back, V+ very close to V-. Vcs 0. Vcs vic
how should the bulk be connected how should the bulk be connected? Connect to source or connect n-well to VDD p-well to VSS
Approximate transfer function AV(s) = AV/(s/p1─1) Impedances rout = rsd2 || rds4 = 1 / (gds2 + gds4) rM = 1/gm3 || rds3 || rds1 ≈ 1/ gm3 Hence the output node is the high impedance node When vi=0, slowest discharging node is output node with dominant pole p1 = -1/(C’outrout), where C’out = Cout+ Cgd4 Approximate transfer function AV(s) = AV/(s/p1─1)
KCL at D1: KCL at D2:
Gain bandwidth product Gain AV(0) = gm1 / (gds2 + gds4) Bandwidth ≈ |p1| ≈ (gds2 + gds4) / C’out GBW ≈ gm1 / C’out gm1 = {2*ID1mCoxW1/L1}½ increase gm1 increase GBW increase W1 increase GBW But C’out has Cdb2 and Cgd2 W1 Once Cdb2 and Cgd2 become comparable to CL, increasing W1 reduces GBW
Approximate poles and zeros VDD Second pole at D1 r = 1/gm3 M3 M4 Cgd4 C = CM + VOUT (1+AV4)Cgd4 (1+AV4)Cgd4 Cgd4 CL AV4 = gm4/gds4 M1 M2 Vi+ Vi- ─ gm3 p2 = Vb2 M5 CM + (1+AV4)Cgd4
Approximate poles and zeros VDD Apply miller effect Set vin=0, write KCL at slowest Node to get p1 Write KCL at other nodes for other poles Set vo=0, write KCL for zeros M3 M4 Cgd4 VOUT (1+AV4)Cgd4 Cgd4 CL M1 M2 Vi+ Vi- Vb2 M5
Unstable zero at Cgd2 Enforce vo=0, float vin. ids2, ids4 = 0 M3 M2 M5 M1 M4 Vb2 VDD VOUT CL Vi+ = - Vi- Vi- Unstable zero at Cgd2 Enforce vo=0, float vin. ids2, ids4 = 0 Cgd2 dvi-/dt = gm2 vi- z1 = gm2/Cgd2
For zero at D1: For diff, Vi+ = - Vi- Ctot = CM + Cgd4 VDD M3 M4 VOUT CL Ctot = CM + Cgd4 M1 M2 Vi+ Vi- Vb2 M5
A better approximation of TF: A better approximation of TF: AV(s)=AV(s/z1-1)(s/z2-1)/(s/p1-1)(s/p2-1) If p1 is dominant, |p1|<<|p2|,|z1|,|z2|; AV(s)≈AV/(s/p1-1) If p1 is non-dominant, at low frequency, AV(s)≈AV /(s/p1+s/p2-s/z1-s/z2 -1) 1/peq≈ 1/p1+1/p2-1/z1-1/z2 ≈ 1/p1+1/p2-1/z2 , since |z1| >> |z2|, |p1|, |p2|; ≈ 1/p1, if AV4 is not very large In either case, BW ≈ p1
frequency response AV w -90 PM -180 All in abs val z1 w p1 p2 z2 UGF -90 PM -180 Small CL and small gm3: gm1/CL’ > gm3/Cgs3
frequency response AV w -90 PM -180 Large CL, gm1/CL < gm3/2Cgs3 All in abs val UGF w z1 p2 p1 z2 -90 PM -180 Large CL, gm1/CL < gm3/2Cgs3
Observations PM ≈ 90 – tan-1(UGF/z1) If z2 not = p2, UGF < AV*p1 GBW should be at least 2~3 times lower than z1 to ensure good phase margin at UGF There is conflict between AV and PM If z2 not = p2, UGF < AV*p1 Design approaches make z1 high higher than UGF make Cgd2 small, gm1 large make z2 close to p2 better 1st order approx. make AV4 small make p1 low large AV make gds2 and gds4 small
Input equivalent noise source
Total output noise current is found as, Let Then
How does this affect Av4 and go?
One Quick Design Procedure Select Iss based on SR Iss = SR*CL *(1.1~1.2) Select gm1 based on GBW gm1 = GBW*CL’ Get gm/ID for M1, check if in proper range If too high, increase ID ( => higher SR) If too low, increase gm (=> high GBW) Get ID/(W/L) from gm/ID ~ ID/(W/L) plot Get W/L from ID and ID/(W/L) Get W, by assuming L, for M1 and M2 Scale appropriately to get W,L for M3,4 Get size for M5