Metal coated porous material for phosphorus removal from water Authors: Anne Barlas, Marcia R. Silva* and David Garman School of Freshwater Sciences – Water Technology Accelerator (WaTA), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 247 W. Freshwater Way, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53204 (USA).*E-mail:
Prototype Development Results: Prototype Regeneration of Material Outline Problem statement Porous Material Prototype Development Results: Prototype Regeneration of Material Results: Regeneration
Figure 2: Snapshot of phosphorus pollution in Great Lakes[5] Phosphorus Pollution in the Great Lakes and how Porous Material can help Nutrient overloads fundamentally change the ecosystem Native aquatic plants are replaced by less desirable plants that are capable of competing more effectively in nutrient-laden water. Decomposition of algae can devoid a water body of oxygen to the point where aquatic life cannot be sustained, leaving the area inhabitable by aquatic life. [1] Phosphorous pollution Urban and agricultural inflow are leading factor of phosphorus pollution Phosphorus one of most common nutrient additions in Great Lakes Phosphorus as aquatic plant nutrient: algae blooms % Figure 2: Snapshot of phosphorus pollution in Great Lakes[5] Porous material Naturally occurring porous material: Ideal pore size for contaminant adsorption, comparable to sponge Material chemically engineered to target phosphorous in water
How does Phosphorus reach the Great Lakes? Nutrient overloads fundamentally change the ecosystem Native aquatic plants are replaced by less desirable plants that are capable of competing more effectively in nutrient-laden water. Decomposition of algae can devoid a water body of oxygen to the point where aquatic life cannot be sustained, leaving the area inhabitable by aquatic life. [1] Figure 1: Drainage overflow during heavy rain [4] %
Research Plan Chemically engineer (coat with metal) porous material Optimize fabrication method and performance for phosphorus removal from water Use material to filter storm-water before it reaches the Great Lakes Develop rack system for filtration beds implemented at overflow effluents Figure 1: Drainage overflow during heavy rain [4] Porous material
Prototype Development Pouch within orange box holds material Shower head to disperse storm water over filtration media Porous material 100% exhaustion achieved with 100mg/L phosphorous load Usage period of 1 year for full scale Flow meter Filtered Water Collection Storm-water Filtration Media
Regeneration of Material Process: Spike column of clean porous material with known amount of phosphorus, as shown in Figure 3. Heat spent porous material to beyond the melting point of phosphorus and repeat column spike experiment. Figure 3: Column experiment to measure phosphorus retention
Figure 4: Results of column experiment Results: Regeneration Characterize material efficiency by repeating column experiment and measuring phosphorus content. The first two cycles retain phosphorus completely. Figure 4 shows that after 3 cycles, material is 5% less efficient at retaining phosphorus. Figure 4: Results of column experiment
Acknowledgements From SFS we acknowledge Dr. Osvaldo Villet for the use of the pond pump and the Instrument shop for their assistance in developing the prototype. We acknowledge badger Meter for supplying the flow meter. The authors thank Barlas’ Senior Excellence in Research award for making this project possible.
References [1] Sigrid D.P. Smith et al. Ecological Applications (2015) 25: 3. doi: 10.1890/14-0366.1 [2] Schock, N.T., Murry, B.A. & Uzarski, D.G. Wetlands (2014) 34: 297. doi:10.1007/s13157-013-0486-x [3] Young, T.C. Hydrobiologia (1982) 91: 111. doi:10.1007/BF00940100 [4] Figure 1: Stormwater image: Seattle Public Utilites [5] Great Lakes Environmental Assessment and Mapping (GLEAM) Project,
Questions? Figure 4: Results of column experiment Figure 1: Drainage overflow during heavy rain [4] Questions? Figure 3: Column experiment to measure phosphorus retention Figure 4: Results of column experiment