JUDGMENT The ability to enforce and interpret the playing rules Requires knowledge and experience of the playing rules (Rule Book/Casebook) of procedures and mechanics (Basic Manual—.pdf file) Also requires game experience Begin by learning the rules other skills will come with time
NEW OFFICIALS Learn the playing rules Become familiar with the USA Hockey Standards of Play Emphasize player safety Recognize serious infractions Know the criteria for Minor and Major penalties Know what Game Misconduct and Match penalties are, and when to assess them Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
STANDARD OF PLAY BODY CHECKING The sole purpose of a body check is to separate an opponent from the puck Only the area between the hips and shoulders can be used to deliver a body check A body check must be delivered only in the area above the knees and below the shoulders of an opponent Players who gain a positional advantage over an opponent as a result of a body check cannot be penalized if the check was delivered within the rules In addition to the body checking standard, players must also be held accountable for any act of an intimidating or dangerous nature
STANDARD OF PLAY RESTRAINING FOULS The ONLY legal way to use a stick is to play the puck Players cannot use their sticks to impede an opponent’s progress (Hooking) A player cannot use a free hand or arm to grab an opponent or impede an opponent’s progress (Holding) Officials must ensure that a player who has gained a positional advantage because of anticipation, skating ability, or other physical skills does not lose that advantage because of illegal acts committed by an opponent (Interference) In addition to restraining fouls, players must also be held accountable for other any act of an intimidating or dangerous nature.
MINOR OR MAJOR? Decision Criteria: Intent Degree of Violence Injury to Opponent Major plus game misconduct is mandatory for infractions that cause injury to an opponent (except interference)
GAME MISCONDUCT Player(s) or Team Official(s) ejected from game in progress and suspended for the next game already on the schedule of his/her team at the time of the incident. Assessed to players for: Fighting First to intervene in fisticuffs, "3rd man in” Intentional or reckless head contact Unintentional injury to an opponent Five or more penalties in the same game (youth, girls, and adult women’s classifications only) Second major or misconduct in the same game Helmet/facemask comes off during an altercation (not deliberate) Deliberately removing own or opponent’s helmet/facemask prior to or during an altercation (adult male only) Physically interfering with any game official (on-ice or off-ice) performing their duties.
MATCH PENALTIES Apply to these infractions: Deliberate injury to an opponent or game official Deliberate attempt to injure an opponent or game official Kicking an opponent Detrimental conduct to include: Verbally threatening a game official with physical harm Spitting at an opponent, spectator, game official, or team official Deliberately removing own or opponent’s helmet prior to or during an altercation Penalized player is immediately ejected. Substitute for penalized player serves a 5-minute time penalty Penalized player remains suspended from games and practices until a hearing on the incident is held by the proper authority. If no hearing is held, player is reinstated after 30 days
INJURY POTENTIAL The “Big Four" Major plus game misconduct only Butt-ending Spearing Head-butting Rubbing, grabbing or holding the facemask Major plus game misconduct only A match penalty may be imposed if the referee considers the act to be a deliberate injury or deliberate attempt to injure There is no minor penalty option
AGGRESSIVE Boarding, charging, checking from behind, head contact: Minor plus misconduct or Major plus game misconduct There is no option for a minor only or major only Kicking Major plus game misconduct if using skate to push-off an opponent Match penalty Body Checking (in body contact & adult no-check classifications); Cross-Checking, Elbowing, Kneeing, High Sticking, Slashing: Minor or major Major plus game misconduct (if injury occurs)
AGGRESSIVE Deliberate attempt to injure or deliberate injury of an opponent: Match Penalty Roughing (altercations short of fighting): Minor or Double Minor Roughing (deliberate contact after the whistle, avoidable late hit to player not in possession & control, and checking in a non-check game): Minor Major Major plus game misconduct (if injury to an opponent results)
RESTRAINING Interference and Holding Minor only Hooking, Tripping, Clipping, Leg Checking: Minor or Major Major plus game misconduct (if injury to an opponent results) (If, in the referee's opinion, a player is unquestionably poke-checking the puck and gains possession and control of the puck as a result, there is no penalty if the puck carrier falls as a result of the poke check)
ALTERCATIONS Participants: Instigator: Third player in: Minor or double minor (Roughing) OR Major plus game misconduct (Fighting) Instigator: Additional minor Third player in: Game misconduct Leaving player’s bench or penalty bench during an altercation: Major plus game misconduct Own helmet accidentally comes off during an altercation: Deliberately removing own or opponent’s helmet during an altercation: Game Misconduct (adult male classifications only) Match Penalty (all other classifications)
GAME REPORTS An official who assesses any major, game misconduct, or match penalty must also submit a game report through the USA Hockey online Incident Reporting System. This includes major penalties that do not also carry an automatic game misconduct penalty The narrative section of the report dialog does not need to be completed for any game report that involves only major penalties (i.e., no game misconduct or match penalties) Game Reports must be filed within 24 hours of the time the game ends Game reports are not required for minor or double minor penalties
EXPECTATIONS Learn the rules Become familiar with the Standards of Play Know the penalty options that apply Understand the basic enforcement standards Injury-potential fouls must be penalized every time Skating and puck-handling skills cannot be neutralized because of restraining fouls by opponents Become familiar with the USA Hockey online Incident Reporting System Get game experience Have the courage to make the call Learn from your mistakes Give it your best effort Have fun!