WISR Library Resources Saturday, MARCH 25, 2017, 10:00PM – 1:00PM CYNTHIA s. Roberson, Library director (image retrieved from: http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/dT8/9b5/dT89b56Te.png )
Session Objectives WISR’S Library Library Resources Network Database (LIRN) Outside Library Resources Today’s session will comprise of three parts. First, we will go over what we have at WISR in terms of books, cataloging, and when we expect the library system to be in full use. Secondly, we will go over the electronic database we have access to which is called Library Resources Network. We’ll go over this in terms of how to access it and the subjects LIRN covers. Finally, we’ll go over some of the resources outside of WISR’s official library that you’ll be able to access.
Part 1: WISR’s Library Books Recently Acquired and Cataloging Progress John has been purchasing and receiving new books. Cataloging Progress: high priority books are currently 70% done. High priority books to be done by June 2017. Reserve books will be worked on in the summer. Anticipate student and faculty use of the library system starting in the fall. John’s has been purchasing and receiving new books. WISR’s library consists of around 6,000 books, journals, and original student works. We have been working very slowly over the last two years in trying to get this library cataloged. Right now, we have about 70% or so high priority books done. (Roughly 1500 books). These books should realistically be done by June. This summer, we’re going to be working extensively to get the reserve books into the system, and hopefully have the system available for student use starting in the fall.
Part 1: WISR’s Library Librarian Services Even though the library is still very much a work in progress, Cynthia is still available for research assistance. Cynthia can always be contacted at librarian@wisr.edu Even though the library is still very much a work in progress, Cynthia is still available for research assistance. She can still assist in answering questions or helping you find things. Cynthia does not have all the answers to everything, obviously, but you can give her a starting point and she can work through things with you and possibly connect you with others who may be able to assist you further.
Part 2: Library Resources Network (LIRN) What Is It, Why Is It Useful, and How To Access It What is LIRN? LIRN in an acronym that stands for Library and Information Resources Network. It is the name of a larger product that contains a collection of databases. It contains journals, articles, abstracts, and links to books and other materials that can be consulted for research purposes. Why do WISR students and faculty need these databases? How can it help students and faculty with their studies? The core reason that WISR got these databases is to fulfill a requirement of the accreditation agency who said that WISR must provide access to electronic resources. Beyond the accreditation agency however, students and faculty can benefit from these electronic databases because it is one more place that WISR has to search for information. How do people access this database? We have an institution code that can be given to you. Note that this code is ONLY for WISR students and faculty. You can access this database anywhere, anytime, as long as you have internet access. (Images retrieved from www.lirn.net) ACCESS IT HERE: www.lirn.net Login with WISR’s Institution Code (Ask John or Cynthia for it)
Part 2: Library Resources Network (LIRN) Brief Overview Of Features Since the last time I did this seminar almost two years ago, LIRN has expanded individual database offerings so I can’t really go into detail on everything LIRN has to offer like I did two years ago. (Clicking on “Vendor View” will get you a master list of all databases that WISR has access to – there’s 40 or so different areas to search, up from the 7 or 8 areas two years ago!). I will at least give you some tips on how to go about looking for information and what my recommendation is overall. There are several different ways you can go about searching, but the two easiest ways are – 1. clicking on specific subjects that you see on the screen, and it’ll pull up different databases for you to look through, and 2. You can go to the search bar in upper right hand corner and perform a search that way. The subjects LIRN covers are pretty limited in scope. There only about six or so subject areas that would be directly relevant to WISR. My suggestion for use – if you’re just starting a new research project or you’re stuck and maybe you need a jumpstart in another direction, this will be a database to start with. If you’re much farther along in your research and you’re trying to do something in depth, you might have a harder time finding something.
Part 3: Other Library Resources The third topic we need to talk about are other library resources. These are resources that are not directly provided by WISR but are options that are available to students and faculty. There are four other resources we will discuss: Jake Sloan’s Library, UC Berkeley, San Francisco Public Library, and WorldCat. (UCB logo retrieved from : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a1/Seal_of_University_of_California,_Berkeley.svg/2000px-Seal_of_University_of_California,_Berkeley.svg.png ) (SF Public Library logo retrieved from: http://sfpl.org/images/about/press-room/images/sfpl_logo.jpg) (Worldcat logo retrieved from www.worldcat.org)
Other Library Resources: Jake Sloan’s Library For those that are not aware, I have been working for Jake Sloan for the last two and a half years. He has a collection of about 1,700 books and 1,200 CDs. His books primarily cover autobiographies, biographies, history, political science, civil rights, and African American history and literature. His CDs are mostly Blues and Jazz, but he has a few other genres as well. His library is about 80-90% done, and his library will be made available for student and faculty use in the coming months. (image retrieved from : http://www.clipartkid.com/images/78/fall-owl-clip-art-car-tuning-MChBq3-clipart.png )
Other Library Resources: UC Berkeley Anyone can purchase a UCB alumni card for $60 a year that provides some UCB library access. Also, the Head of the Social Research Library at UCB, Susan Edwards, has stated that she would arrange to give an orientation or tour once a year to a group of interested students and faculty. However, one has to be physically present to use the libraries resources, including electronic resources. Information about UCB’s library may be found HERE: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/node http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/node
Other Library Resources – SF Public Library Anyone with a valid California I.D. can sign up – in person – at the SF Public Library and have access to their books and electronic resources. This includes remote access to electronic resources, and they have a TON of electronic databases that you can explore. Their website, along with the resources available at the library, is HERE: http://sfpl.org/ http://sfpl.org
Other Library Resources - WorldCat This is a website, free to use anywhere, that allows one to search for books and other resources in public and academic libraries throughout the world. http://www.worldcat.org
(image retrieved from: http://bendwoodpta