"Nolite te bastardes carborundorum"
"Nolite te bastardes carborundorum" In having the Commander explain the meaning to Offred, we now know that the previous handmaid also met the Commander in his office. We learn that she killed herself after Serena Joy “found out”… What little power Offred has over the Commander is revealed; he doesn’t want her to die.
What do you think happened to him? Nick Serena Joy propositions Offred. Offred recalls that the doctor who propositioned her was not at her last visit and she now knows the he is the one who impregnated Janine. What do you think happened to him? Once again Offred is in danger of accepting and not accepting this proposition. Why do you think Serena Joy is suggesting Nick? Why not someone else? Do you think this has happened in the past? Do you think the Commander knows?
What do you think Offred means by this statement? Chapter 32 “I feel buried” (265) What do you think Offred means by this statement? (remember, she thinks this after looking at where the previous handmaid hanged herself and reflecting that she found peace in death but may still be present)
“Jezebel’s” Jezebel
Chapter 34 - Prayvaganza Preyvaganza… What significance does this ceremony have to the new way of life in Gilead? Why do you think Offred lied to Ofglen about what her and the Commander do? What information do you think Ofglen has that she is not sharing?
Ch 35 Offred again reflects on her and Luke’s attempt at escape. She also ponders the idea of love. Serena Joy brings her a picture of her daughter. She has grown and changed. This is more upsetting for Offred than she expected. She realizes that her daughter likely does not remember her and realizes her life is meaningless to her daughter. She ends up wishing she had not seen this picture at all. “That is why I am not allowed a knife” (286)
Ch 36 The Commander surprises Offred with a racy outfit (supposedly all were burned with the books) and make-up. She initially refuses but is enticed by the danger and excitement. The Commander gives her one of Serena Joy’s cloaks to wear and insists she will have to pretend to be a Wife. “He slips around my wrist a tag, purple” (293)
Moira In this old hotel that has been converted into some type of prostitution ring, Offred finds Moira. The Underground Femaleroad – Moira divulges her attempt to escape and we realize that it was only women that were being smuggled to safety (similar to the Underground Railroad) The Colonies – a place for old women, gay men, and used-up handmaids. Many die shortly after arrival due to the contamination levels. They are forced to wear gray Moira chose being a sex-worker over going to the colonies. Compare this choice with Offred’s choice to be a handmaid.
Tell me what happens to Moira as Offred does not see her again. Moira is sterilized before she can work at the hotel. What does this tell you about Gileadean society? Why do you think she says she didn’t even mind? Tell me what happens to Moira as Offred does not see her again.
Ch 39