The Day Pictures Were Born Studio Project: What’s in Your Head? Guiding Question: Where does our inspiration for creating images come from?
Project Goals: Create an acrylic painting inspired by the brainstorming of “what’s in your head ?” Your idea/theme must represent something that is of great emotional importance to you (dreams, fears, utopia/dystopia, afterlife, etc.) You must create a narrative scene in the style of your choice (realistic, abstract, stylized) You must develop original ideas for your painting based on your imagination, rather than relying on cliched images
The Garden of Earthly Delights Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights 1503-1504
Heaven Hell
Hell (detail)
Utopian Flying Machines Late 19th century France
Salvador Dali Old Age, Adolescence, Infancy (The Three Ages) 1940
Blade Runner, 1982
12 Monkeys, 1995
Idiocracy, 2006