The Conceptual Framework Project IAAER International Research Conference for Accounting Educators September 2005 Katherine Schipper, Financial Accounting Standards Board The views expressed in this presentation are my own, and do not represent positions of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Positions of the Financial Accounting Standards Board are arrived at only after extensive due process and deliberation.
Recent tentative decisions Objectives of financial reporting Reporting entity perspective Financial reporting aimed at external users who cannot prescribe the information they receive Provision of decision useful information, for purposes of capital allocation Investors and (some) creditors, not regulators or taxing authorities Focus on liquidity and solvency but not to the exclusion of other decision useful information Stewardship is not a separate objective Information that is useful for capital allocation may also be useful/used for stewardship
Recent tentative decisions Qualitative characteristics Relevance Predictive value Faithful representation replaces reliability Neutrality Verifiable Recent debate: should depictions that are do not faithfully represent underlying economic constructs be included, with proper disclosure of this property? Comparability Less important than relevance Understandability Materiality
Recurring issues in standard setting Control Definition Application to asset versus application to entity Liability What is past event/transaction that gives rise to a liability? How are liabilities distinguished from equity? Settlement obligation Nature of relationship (owner versus nonowner) Effects of uncertainty What does/should "probable" mean? How should probable outcomes (or expectations) affect accounting recognition and measurement? Recognition and derecognition criteria
Recurring issues in standard setting Measurement Definitions of measurement attributes Desirable characteristics of accounting measurement attributes Criteria for choosing among measurement attributes Unit of account Combining items (or contracts) for accounting purposes Separating contracts or arrangements for accounting purposes Gross versus net display Reporting entity Definition Consolidation: purpose(s) and criteria