The center of a cell is called the… Middle Cell wall Nucleus Cytoplasm
The center of a cell is the nucleus
What is NOT an animal cell? Volvox Vinegar eels Blepharism Onions
Onions are not animal cells.
Who created the name “cell”? Robert Hooke Anton Leuwenhoek Robert Peary
Robert Hooke He created the word “cell” for the rows of little empty boxes he saw through the microscope.
Plant cells we saw in class were from an… Apple skin Fish scale Celery stalk onion
Onion is a plant cell.
Volvox cells use two flagella True or False? Volvox cells use two flagella to propel the colony through water?
Binary fission occurs when a cell separates into 2 parts. True or False? Binary fission occurs when a cell separates into 2 parts.
True or False Pasteurization is when you make something cold?
False Pasteurization is heating food up high enough to kill certain bacteria.
True or False A clear sphere is able to magnify.
True t t
A red marble is able to magnify? True or False A red marble is able to magnify?
False t
True or False An empty jar is able to magnify.
An empty jar does not magnify. False An empty jar does not magnify. t
A clear cube is able to magnify. True or False A clear cube is able to magnify.
An clear cube does not magnify. False An clear cube does not magnify.
A solid clear cylinder is able to magnify on its side. True or False A solid clear cylinder is able to magnify on its side.
True t t