Zoning 1961 - property zoned R-20 allowing ½ acre lots 1977 - property rezoned to R-12 allowing 12K SF lots and duplexes 1985 - property rezoned to M-1 allowing light industrial uses and storage facilities 1992 – property to west rezoned from M-1 to NT and the adjoining property designated Open Space on the FDP NT OS M-1
Process Development subject to staff site plan review – not the Planning Board No presubmission community meeting when a site is more than 200 feet from residential land Old Guilford Rd. a public street providing access to the property – the entire street is not the trail Driveway access to Guilford Rd. suggested by County agencies during site plan review Developer discussed this with CA but chose not to County can’t require other access NT OS M-1
Side Access Does not meet spacing requirements – throat is too short for another driveway and creates too many conflicts in a short distance. Maneuver off Guilford Road would have to be slower due to early second right turn. Right-in turn requires wide sweep for trucks - will use entire road width and requires larger inbound radius. Trail users park along throat and may block entrance. Trucks coming in and out at same time could cause vehicles to stop on Guilford Road. Entrance proposed where trail users say they walk - entrance should be on the straight section to protect pedestrians. DPW requires full access to existing public road, for utilities, and all drainage and utility easements. M-1
Multi-modal Trail Ten foot wide trail consistent with County standards. Minimum five foot buffer – larger to avoid utilities and utility poles. Additional safety for users by using large boulders combined with street trees. Requires CA agreement M-1