Want to Buy or Sell Concrete Products around the world? Go to www.concretingshop.com Here you can Buy & sell your products Online in Single click !!
Concretingshop is a E-Commerce Platform where you can buy and sell concreting tools, equipment and machinery for your concreting business, project and everyday needs. Whether its diamond tools or cutting blades for cutting concrete, polishing pads to grind and polish concrete, or an electric trowel or laser screed to finish concrete, you can find the concreting product you are searching for at the www.concretingshop.com Powered By
For Merchant & Retailers Manual 1.0 For Merchant & Retailers
About Merchant (B2B) About Retail (B2C) B2B (Wholesale) is the sale of goods or merchandise to retailers; to industrial, commercial, institutional, or other professional business users; or to other wholesalers and related subordinated services. In general, it is the sale of goods to anyone other than a standard consumer. About Retail (B2C) A Retail is the process of selling consumer goods or services (or both) to customers through multiple channels of distribution to earn a profit. Demand is created through diverse target markets and promotional tactics, satisfying consumers' wants and needs through a lean supply chain. Online retailing, a type of electronic commerce used for business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions and mail order
Registration of Merchant To register as merchant you have to go www.concretingshop.com Then go to top section, where you will see the option Signup After hovering on that option, you will find 3 icons , select the 3rd one to register as a merchant
After Clicking on icon for signup as a merchant, you will get registration form After clicking on create account, you will get mail on registered E-mail ID to activate the account
After E-mail verification, you will be redirected to website Where you can press login on top bar, then the login form will appear You need to put your credentials with ones you have registered
Dashboard After Login you will be redirected to Merchant Dashboard Here, you can manage your shop
Products Enquiry When any buyer sends enquiry regarding the product the merchant for same product will get the same enquiry on enquiry tab in merchant panel & if there is any attachment that will also be shown with that enquiry
Categories Category can only be created by Website owner , In categories section you can only see the categories we have , if any category is not present in that list , then you need to contact administrator / Website Owner to add more categories email us at :- support@concretingshop.com
Manage Sub-Categories When You click on manage sub categories , the sub categories added by you will display first, if you want to add more sun category or new sub category then you have to click on add new sub category button on top
When You click on all sub categories tab, you can see all sub categories already added in website , you can also add products under this sub category, to check the available category , you can search in search section
When You click on add new sub category, a page will be opened with field “sub category name” where we have to put sub category name we want to add , then we have “ category” where need to select category under which we need to define this sub category , then we have “status” where we need select one status for this sub category we need to activate this sub category right now or not
Units In Units section, you can see or add the units i.e. kilogram , dozen When you click on unit tab , at first you will see the units added by you , if you want to add the new unit then you need to click on add new unit button above
When You click on All units, you can see all units created or already present on website , you can also find your needed unit in search section with keywords
when You click on add new unit, you will see the field named “unit name” there you need to input Name of unit for example “kilogram” and then in status field you need to select the status of unit for now do you want to active this unit for now or not
Brands In Brands section, you can see or add the brands for the products i.e. LafargeHolcim When you click on Brands tab , at first you will see the Brands added by you , if you want to add the new Brands then you need to click on add new Brand button above
When You click on All Brands, you can see all Brands created or already present on website , you can also find your needed brand in search section with keywords
when You click on add new brand, you will see the field named “Brand name” there you need to input Name of Company for example “LafargeHolcim” and then in status field you need to select the status of brand for now do you want to active this brand for now or not
Companies In Company section, you can see or add the Company for the products i.e. CEMEX When you click on Company tab , at first you will see the Companies added by you , if you want to add the new Company then you need to click on add new Company button above
When You click on All Companies, you can see all Companies created or already present on website , you can also find your needed company name in search section with keywords
when You click on add new Company, you will see the field named “Company name” there you need to input Name of Company for example “Cemex” and then in status field you need to select the status of Company name do you want to active this brand for now or not
Product Management In product management , you can manage your products like edit , add , activate / deactivate , delete When you click on product management tab , you will get the list of all products you have added for your shop , from this screen you can edit , view , delete and deactivate your product , from this screen you can also find products from search section
When We click on Add new product button , we get a screen where we need to fill several fields to add products Product name :- This is mandatory field , In this field you can Put any alphanumeric or normal string word what you want to use as a product name to display on website, for example - cement 4c Product Tag line :- This is non mandatory field, In this field you can Put any alphanumeric or normal string word what you want to use as a product tagline to display on website, for example - ACC protects your homes Category:-This is mandatory field, if any category is not present in that list , then you need to contact administrator to add more categories , email us at :- support@concretingshop.com Sub-Category:- This is mandatory field, if any subcategory is not present in that list , then you need to add that sub categories from manage subcategory option in side bar Product Unit:- This is mandatory field, Select any unit from the list, if any Unit is not present in that list , then you need to add that unit from units option in side bar for example :- kilogram Per Unit Quantity:- This is mandatory field , In this field you can Put any numeric string word to define the per unit quantity to display on website, for example – 100 (kg) Min Order Quantity (customer) :- This is mandatory field , In this field you can Put only number to define minimum order quantity to the customer to display on website, for example - like if user want to buy cement, we want notify users to buy 100 bags of cement minimum to complete shopping from our shop, so the value for this field will be 100 Min Order Quantity (Retailer) : - This is mandatory field , In this field you can Put only number to define minimum order quantity to the retailer to display on website, for example - like if B2B user/Retailer want to buy cement, we want notify users to buy 1000 bags of cement minimum to complete shopping from our shop, so the value for this field will be 1000 , this values can be same or different for both environments B2C & B2B
Price (Customer) :- This is mandatory field, in this field you can put only number in decimal or non decimal form to define price for the customer & this price will always be in USD for example - 10.23 so the price for this product for the normal customers will be 10.23 $
Price (Retailer) :- This is mandatory field, in this field you can put only number in decimal or non decimal form to define price for the user/retailer for B2B services & this price will always be in USD for example - 9.23 so the price for this product for the retailer /User will be 9.23 $ , this values can be same or different for both environments B2C & B2B VAT :- This is mandatory field, in this field you can put only number in decimal or non decimal form to define VAT % for the Product , for example - you put 6 so the VAT % for this product for both the environment will be 6% , if there is no VAT % defined or already included in price for product you can put as 0
Company :- This is Non - mandatory field, Select Product related company from the list, if any company is not present in that list , then you need to add that Company from Companies option in side bar & this is product company name for example :- Cemex Brand :- This is non - mandatory field, Select product related brand from the list , if any Brand is not present in that list , then you need to add that Brand from Brand option in side bar For example :- Lafarge SKU:- This is mandatory field , in this field you can add Alphanumeric combination words , moreover it basically depends up on you , how you want to manage your stock for example :- you have lots of products so you want your product should be identified easily so you can provide your unique number CEMCHI234 & that number will be the SKU number for the product , after that this product you can verify by this SKU number in your stock list Product Type :- This is Non Mandatory field , In this field you can add strings in any combination , this field defines the type of product for example : for cement you can say BUILDING MATERIAL Allow Purchase :- This is mandatory field , in this field we have 3 options 1. All 2. retailer 3. user , so from these options you have to select one to allow the type of user who can buy the product , if you want your product anyone can buy then you have to choose All , if you want only retailer can see and buy your product then you have to choose/Write retailer & if you want only user can buy this product then you have to choose user as a option Description:- This is mandatory field , in this field you can add description in alpha numeric keywords , that description will be shown to users when they see the product detail to buy that product for example : this cement is good in winter season and it relates to ABC company Meta title :- This is non mandatory field , you can add meta title for a product and it can be any of alpha numeric or normal string for example CODE 5 Meta Keyword : - This is non mandatory field , you can add meta Keyword for a product and it can be any of alpha numeric or normal string for example:- CEM
Product image :- This is mandatory field , in this you can upload product image with any dimension , but preferably it should be better if you upload square image for product for example :- dimension 500*500 Color : - This is non mandatory field , you can add Color detail for a product and it can be any string for example:- RED
Stability : - This is non mandatory field , you can add Stability for a product and it can be any string for example:- 2 year Grade : - This is non mandatory field , you can add Grade for a product and it can be any of alpha numeric or normal string for example:- for cement we define grades like A, B2
Delivery charges : Country :- In this field you have to select country for which you want to insert delivery charges for example :- India Price :- In this field you have to insert Price (shipping charges for selected continent) in USD If you want to delivery charges for more continents then you have to click on add new delivery charges button below
Product Excel Upload This is additional functionality to add products on shop & make it more user friendly , here you can add products via uploading a excel When You click on product excel upload tab on side bar , you will get screen where you can see few options to upload the sheet Click on “Download sample product excel sheet” To download the sample for excel sheet in which you can add your product details
When you click on button , “ see steps to create the product uploading using excel sheets “ you will be redirected to page where you can see all instruction to follow to upload the product excel sheets To upload you excel sheet you need to click on browse and find the file to upload and after selection click on upload button below
In second tab of the page “ upload product images” you can uploads images after renaming them as same as product name so that they can be mapped with right product To upload images , click on Add product image button , find the path for images and also you can select & upload multiple images at one time by pressing control button on keyboard
In Next tab of page “ categories and sub categories “ you can find slug values for specific category or subcategory to use in excel sheet To get the sub categories slug for a category then you need to click on button “get subcategory” corresponding to the category name , there you find slug a=for all sub categories
In Next tab of page “ Companies “ you can find slug values for specific Companies to use in excel sheet
In Next tab of page “ Brands“ you can find slug values for specific Brands to use in excel sheet
In Next tab of page “ Units“ you can find slug values for specific Units to use in excel sheet
In Next tab of page “ countries“ you can find slug values for specific Countries to use in excel sheet for example :- ad for Andorra
Product Available Requests By using this functionality you can find where your product is more popular and users want your product in that specific region When users will make a request to make it available in their region then you will get request in this section When you click on product availability requests from side menu , then all requests will be listed on page if you have any for products
Setting In this section basically you can do all your shop settings and add / update your shop profile When you click on setting you will find three tabs “merchant information” , “change password” , “Bank Detail” By Default first tab will open , where you can find few fields to fill Company name :- This is mandatory field , In this field you need to fill your company name / Shop Name
Year Established :- This is Non - mandatory field , In this field you need to fill your company / shop Established year Email Address :- This is mandatory field , this field is prefilled with same email id from which you register as merchant / retailer Mobile Number :- This is mandatory field , In this you need to fill your Mobile number Address :- This is mandatory field , when you will open merchant / retailer panel for first time then it is mandatory to fill address first , so we can get your domestic address for shop Zip code / Postcode :- This is mandatory field , In this you have to fill ZIP Code for your address it can of any alpha numeric string combination Country : - This is mandatory field , In this you have to select your domestic country name State : - This is mandatory field , In this you have to select your state where you are living in Business Registration Number / Tax identification number : - This is mandatory field , In this you have to fill your General Service Tax Number or any other Tax number which is uniquely allotted to shop to get income records in your country , & if nothing allotted , please write NOT AVAILABLE in that field
Company Logo / Firm Logo :- This is non mandatory field , you can upload the Logo for your firm / Company in this field Authorized signature to be used in invoice :- This is mandatory field , You have to upload your signature , so that when you generate invoice for a order , that signature will be reflected on that invoice
When you click on next tab “change password” there you will find few fields To change your Current password , First insert your current password in current password field , what you have currently for login in merchant / retailer panel Then enter New Password for your shop panel in new password field & then enter Confirmation for new password in confirm new password field & press change password button Your password will be changed
Then On settings page we have third tab “ Bank Detail” where you can insert details for your bank account to transfer the money automatically in your bank account When you click on bank detail tab , then you will see few fields regarding your bank account Bank Name :- This is mandatory field , In this field you have to fill your Bank name
Account type :- This is mandatory field , In this you have to select type of account , which type of bank account you are providing to get your money for orders Account number :- This is mandatory field , Your have put your Bank number in this field Routing Number :- This is Mandatory field , You can find your routing number of account from your check book or confirm from bank Account Holder First Name :- This is mandatory field , In this field You have to write your / Bank Account holder first name Account Holder Last Name :- This is mandatory field , In this field you have to write your / Bank Account Holder Last name
Account Holder Date of Birth :- This is mandatory field , In this field you have to enter your Date of birth same as you have provided in bank Account Country :- This is mandatory field , In this field you have select country for bank account , where it is registered Account State :- This is mandatory field , In this field you have select state for bank account , where it is registered Account City :- This is mandatory field , In this field you have Select City for bank account , where it is registered Zip code :- This is mandatory field , In this field you have to fill zip code for bank account address , where it is registered Address : - This is Mandatory field , In this you have to fill your address for bank account , where it is registered
Business Name :- This is mandatory field , In this field you have to fill your business name like your company registered name Business tax ID :- This is mandatory field , you have to fill your business tax ID for verification purpose If you want to edit this screen after saving click on edit button below
Orders When You click on Order tab from the side menu bar , you will get screen where all orders to get will be listed To view that order detail , click on view corresponding to specific order
In Order Status section , In Drop down list you can see number of status like “ In transit , Delivered , Cancelled “ You can select status for order , and after click on update status button , user will be also notified for same
Orders History In Order History section , you will get the list of all orders , for which order status has changed to “delivered , not delivered or cancelled” When order will be set to delivered , you will get option to generate the invoice for the order , same invoice will be sent to user , after delivery users can also see the invoice at their end
Invoices In Invoice section, when you click on invoices from side menu bar , a page will be displayed with list of invoices to view You will get the invoices in this list when you will generate the invoice in order history section To view that invoice , click on view corresponding to the order invoice
Selling Region In Selling Region Section , You can add regions where you want to sell your product When you click on selling region from side menu bar , You will get a screen where all your selling region are listed
To add new region , Click on “add new region” button on top , then you will get a screen where few fields Country :- In country , you have to select country in which country you want to sell your products Status :- you need to select the status of Country for now do you want to active this Region or not
Request Account Deletion To delete your account , You have to send request to Product owner , so he can check your concerns and verify your records Deletion of account will approximately take 48 hours
Logout To logout from the panel , click on shop icon on right top , you will find logout button , after logout you will be redirected to main website
Thank You For Any Other Query / information Mail us at : - Support@concretingshop.com