Welcome to our webinar: ECS v8 & What’s New the World of CS Education Who is in the room? Please introduce yourself in the chat window: Your name Your position Your city/state We want to HEAR from you! Please choose the first option in the Audio Conference window (Dial-out) in order to communicate verbally. If unable to receive an incoming call, please choose one of the other options listed.
ECS V8 & What’s New in the World of CS Ed! Nicole Reitz-Larsen October 2018 American Institutes for Research.
Poll How would you describe your experience with Scratch? Novice Apprentice Expert Master
Moderator: Nicole Reitz-Larsen HS teacher in SLC Utah (ECS, AP CSP) CS for All Community Ambassador Panelist: Don Yanek HS Teacher in Chicago (ECS) CSTA Leader of the Chicago Chapter ECS Facilitator and Instructional Coach Panelist: Dan Law HS Teacher in Chicago (ECS, AP CS A, Physical Computing Lab) ECS Facilitator
Exploring Computer Science has three strands.
ECS Curriculum and Computational Practices • Analyze the effects of developments in computing (impact/connections) • Design and implement creative solutions and artifacts • Apply abstractions and models • Analyze their computational work & the work of others • Communicate computational thought processes, procedures, and results to others • Collaborate with peers on computing activities
What are the updates in version 8 of ECS? Unit 4 - Introduction to Programming addition of abstraction create your own blocks using parameters culturally responsive projects storyboarding emphasis on pair programming peer review Scratch v3.0
What are the lessons that have changed? (U4 D 5-6) Create a program using the various moving blocks (U4 D 7-8) Create an event driven program (Adventure Game) (U4 D 10-13) Write Scratch stories, present them and conduct peer reviews (U4 D 16-17) Create a program using And, Or, and randomness Almost all projects storyboarding driver_navigator culturally responsive peer review “Extra-fun” extensions (U4 D 5-6) Create a program using the various moving blocks replaces running bases. using a google map as a background, program a sprite to navigate the roads or sidewalks (U4 D 7-8) Create an event driven program (Adventure Game) [create your own adventure) Event driven program click on items to create specific adventures (U4 D 10-13) Write Scratch stories, present them and conduct peer reviews Favorite Story/Movie Scene (U4 D 16-17) Create a program using And, Or, and randomness Social Media Quiz Magic Eightball
What are the lessons that have changed? (U4 D 19) Create a program using abstraction and custom blocks (U4 D 20-21) Create a dance program building on abstraction & custom blocks (U4 D 23-25) Create a program using a timer, present it & conduct peer reviews (U4 D 19) Create a program using abstraction and custom blocks modifying the space travel program to use custom blocks for travel to each planet. (U4 D 20-21) Create a dance program building on abstraction & custom blocks create custom blocks that represent dance moves foreshadows project in Unit 6 (U4 D 23-25) Create a program using a timer, present it & conduct peer reviews role play create a timer block create a timed game with custom blocks
Space Travel
Dance Animation
Questions in the Chat Window What are some strategies you use to help students keep their collaborative nature during the programming unit? pair programming peer review I like… I wish… What if..
Questions in the Chat Window How do you structure your class in the programming unit to guide students when they are stuck with questions or don’t know what to do next?
What skills would we like the students to have from these activities? Use a storyboard as a problem solving tool Design algorithms Use abstraction understand that creating own blocks reduces complexity makes program easier to understand collaborate and design with another person communicate life experiences through project assignments...tell us who they are!
How will you assess students or find out what they know? Nicole to lead and hear how Don and other access - acknowledge every district and school is different
ECS Skills used in the Real World
Questions and Answers
Reflection How do you facilitate programming in your classroom? What might be some takeaways that you will try in your own classroom?
Resources ECS Official Website – exploringcs.org Teacher created and shared resources CS for All Teachers (sponsor of the webinar) – csforallteachers.org Scratch – scratch.mit.edu ScratchEd – scratched.gse.Harvard.edu
Upcoming activities 11/5 7:30 pm EST 11/8 7:30 pm EST Webinar - Learning from Home: Online Professional Learning for Teachers of CS 11/8 7:30 pm EST Webinar - That’s CS? You may be surprised to know that the learning activities you are ALREADY doing are the basics of CS Tweet Chat - Beyond the Hour of Code Podcast - Having Fun Reviewing AP CSP 12/3-12/9/2018 - CS Education Week Nicole - check the events page for updates of what is really happening
CS for All Teachers Email: csforallteachers@air.org Website: https://csforallteachers.org/ Twitter: @CSforAllTchrs